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"Policy packages" doubts


I have two questions:

  • Is it possible to install two policy packages in the same device at the same time? In case of affirmative, what is the order of the Policy rules regarding to each policy package?
  • I need to create several rules in a lot of Fortigate devices which are connected to Fortimanager 5.0.5 and all of them have the same policies... Which is the best way to do it? Work with Global Policies or create a single Policy Package for all of them?[/ol]



  • 2 REPLIES 2

    package target is vdom based, so if your device has multiple vdoms, then each vdom can be managed by a package


    but if your device has no vdom, or for each 1 vdom, it can only be managed by 1 pacakge at 1 time, and if you assign this device to another package, another package install will remove previous package policy (so only new package policy will be installed to FGT, you will see a warning in install wizard for this case)


    for your mentioned case, seems you already have packages for different devices, but may want to add some new common policy for all devices? maybe you need to use global ADOM/policy function, which will append global header policy on top and global footer policy on bottom, for local ADOM policy packages





    New Contributor

    Thank you!!


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