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" AP Profile" missing in web interface

We are configuring FortiAPs using our Fortigate 300A as the wireless controller. FortiOS 4.02 MR2 is installed. The instructions for configuring the APs says to create an AP profile using " Wireless Controller/AP Profile" . The problem is that there is no " AP Profile" in the menu under " Wireless Controller" . Suggestions, other than using the CLI?
New Contributor

I had the same problem when I installed one too. The problem is that you are running the wrong firmware. There is a special build of the firmware for the Fortigate if you want it to be a Wireless Controller. It is really hard to find on the fortinet web site. Log into the Fortinet support site, go to Firmware Images, then click on the link for FortiAP (make sure you click on the link in the area under " please select from the products listed below for Firmware Downloads" , not the area with the handly little tabs). then clikc on v4.00 then 4.0MR2 then MR2_Patch_2 then Wireless_controller download and install the firmware for your firewall and you will get the option for the AP Profile. I am not sure why Fortinet has a half hobbled version of Wireless Controller software built into the regular release firmware, but it makes it really confusing. Good Luck.
New Contributor

MR 3 (4.3.0) will supposedly bring the wireless controller functionality into the " normal" firmware branch, and you wont need the special branch currently required. You may also be happy to note that 4.3.0 is supposed to come out this week, on March 18. But obviously, things could get pushed back, and 4.3.0 is probably going to have alot of bugs to start out. I am thinking of picking up a FortiAP very soon myself.
New Contributor

Well it was hard to come by this info as many of you know how hard it is to get into support the same week you call.... You need to be on V4 MR3 on the FG and FAP. Quoted " FortiOS v4.0 MR3 officially supports upgrade from the FortiOS v4.0 MR2 Patch Release 4 or later." 3-19 was the release date as far as when it came out but 3-23 was the mainstream avail. I upgraded last night. 2x 110c' s and a WiFi80CM. I would just love to know 2 things. -How thru any means CLI of the FAP or thru your FG110C to tell what Firm FAP really has. -How you flash it to the newer firmware it requires. I have tried the TFTP but keep having timeout erros or checksum errors. I have been reading up on a Forti-DOC that states you can upgrade from within the support FG unit. AHAHAAAH what a joke cause thats all it says i cant find anywhere how or even it stating can only get info thru cli it just doesnt say period. So far on I Can only find 6 articles that relate to the FAP period. 4 on the KB, 2 being Japan only, 1 being interoprability, and last being about your disclaimer messages lol.... all that assumes you had no issues getting the right firmware or getting it working correctly to need to make a disclamer. The 6th article and last under techinical documents is the quicksetup guide thats it. Anybody seen the cli commands for this thing. I noticed its now linux and not forti code on the FAP.
Wesside-KTM 60D-110c-WiFi80cm-300-300a-200a-WiFi60-60-50b-fl400
Wesside-KTM 60D-110c-WiFi80cm-300-300a-200a-WiFi60-60-50b-fl400

1. fap-get-status 2. Two ways to upgrade FAP a. upgrade FAP from FAP cli: restore ? Usage: restore restore <image filename on tftp sever> <tftp sever ip address> b. upgrade FAP from controller You must have your FAP connected to the controller, and in the managed AP page, click to edit a FAP, and you can see something like: FortiAP OS Version FAP22B-v4.0-build309 [Upgrade] If the FAP is not connected to the AC, you will not be able to see the above line.

ok so with SolorWinds TFTP, laptop is, the FAP is and using a crossover cable I can hyper-term to it via just fine when i do restore <image filename on tftp sever> <tftp sever ip address> I get <tftp timeout.. retransmitt..> So I assumed i have something wrong with my tftp, right ??? Wrong, I just used the same laptop and TFTP software to flash the firm on an HP Procurve Switch 5 minutes ago and it hooked right up.
Wesside-KTM 60D-110c-WiFi80cm-300-300a-200a-WiFi60-60-50b-fl400
Wesside-KTM 60D-110c-WiFi80cm-300-300a-200a-WiFi60-60-50b-fl400

1. fap-get-status
I confirm this works. I am using windows 7 pro 64bit, and telnet is NOT turned on by default. First thing to do is get telnet installed. Start>Control Panel>Programs And Features>Turn Windows features on or off>Check Telnet Client>Hit OK Next, launch telnet, and use " open" , in my case this was " open" next, type " admin" and hit ENTER next, type " fap-get-status" and hit ENTER see results below in case you are curious, at least there is a fast, easy, free way to know what firmware you have. Hope this helps someone... Can I go directly to MR3 for this? And do the FortiAP firmware need to exactly match the FortiGate, or can I mix and match?
New Contributor

Fortigate doesn' t seem to like Solarwinds. I could never get it to work reliably with the Fortigates, even tho it was brilliant with all my HP and Cisco gear. Try the 3CDaemon instead. I had better luck with it.
Thought for the day: Advertising (n): the science of arresting the human intelligence for long enough to get money from it. -- Stephen Leacock.
Thought for the day: Advertising (n): the science of arresting the human intelligence for long enough to get money from it. -- Stephen Leacock.
New Contributor

Thanks I will try a diff TFTP
Wesside-KTM 60D-110c-WiFi80cm-300-300a-200a-WiFi60-60-50b-fl400
Wesside-KTM 60D-110c-WiFi80cm-300-300a-200a-WiFi60-60-50b-fl400
New Contributor

@ Delta You were absolutely right. I used the one you posted and waalaaaaa it worked. Thanks Delta. Not sure how to score anybody in this forum but kudos to you Sir.
Wesside-KTM 60D-110c-WiFi80cm-300-300a-200a-WiFi60-60-50b-fl400
Wesside-KTM 60D-110c-WiFi80cm-300-300a-200a-WiFi60-60-50b-fl400
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