If the diagram is the only thing that is useful, so be it. :P
This customer in particular has 4 IT companies under the same roof using shared, dedicated infrastructure, hosted public and private services etc . The initial design had 2 VDOMs but quickly became difficult to maintain with all the policies as each company had specific (read paranoid, full of ...., etc) requirements. So broke the whole thing up into logical groupings. You can print out the diagram, take a pencil and draw the traffic flow and then configure the routes and policies to a picture ;) Believe it or not, the diagram is a simplified version of the real configuration :) Lots of IPSec tunnels, a VDOM in transparent mode and other stuff removed, just to show the concept...
- lanvdom0 has gateway lan-vl0
>> VDOM LANVDOM' s default route points to lan-vl0
- root vdom has a route to each vlan , e.g. vlan 11 via Lan-vl1
>> Yes, same goes for the other VDOMs, routes to the VLAN IP range points to the appropriate VLAN interface
- the vlans in the vdom e.g. officelan vlan 11 in lanvdom has a default route to lan-vl0?
>> The default route is configured in the VDOM routing table as :
LANVDOM static routes : -> lan-vl0 -> OfficeLAN -> VMWareLAN1
Same pattern in each VDOM, including the root VDOM.
- The policy from vlan 11 to reach the internet is from vlan 11 to lan -vl0 and then Nat enabled?
>> You will have two policies for that use case :
1) LANVDOM: From (Src int OfficeLAN) to Any (Dest int LAN-VL0), service HTTP, schedule always, NO NAT
2) root VDOM: From (Src int LAN-VL1) to Any (Dest int External1), service HTTP, schedule always, UTM enabled, NAT ENabled (using specific interface IP 41.x.x.19 for example)
Less specific policies were used in the LAN/Wifi <-> root comms, and very very specific policies in the DMZ <-> root, other VDOMs and IPSec tunnel comms.
In this case, a multitude of requirements drove the design.