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migrating config file to newer unit..

Hello, I have copied a configuration file from a fortigate 60ADSL (the ADSL interface was not in use) to a fortigate 80c after editing the #config-version header but it doesn' t work despite the fact they looked identical when compared side by side. After looking at this KB article it looks like the #conf_file_ver header is significant too? The 80C currently has the conf_file_ver value from the 60ADSL in there could this be why it doesnt function correctly? Can I set it to " 0" ? The unit is connected to 2 ADSL modems each connected to the WAN ports the internet should go through wan2 but client computers cant access the internet but if the old one is there they can but the configs look identical when looked at side by side through the web GUI. Am I barking up the wrong tree with the conf_file_ver header? Do I need to modify the port names in the config too? Thanks for reading and any help would be appreciated
Valued Contributor III

Welcome to the forums. Although they look the same, different versions may have or not have some important sections that will affect the way the units run. Your best bet would be to make sure both versions are the same, then swap config files. Alternatively, if the units don' t have too complicated a setup, you could cut/paste in the CLI interface the important sections.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
New Contributor

Thanks for the reply. The units config is quite complicated in that it' d take time to manually enter all the static routes etc. I have upgraded the firmware of the 80C to the same version as the " spare" 60B (with an identical config as the 60ADSL) my hope is that since these units are quite similar in terms of ports etc that it might work ok this time. The new fortigate unit didn' t say there was anything wrong with the config file last time I tried but the config was copied using the web GUI which doesn' t give you much in the way of feedback.
Valued Contributor III

The best way is to back up the ' old' unit without a password (which gives you a clear text file), and restore that into the ' new' unit after changing ports names, etc. You also need to copy the first three lines from the ' new' config (80C) into the ' old' (60ADSL) config so that the unit type and software version are OK for restore to the 80C.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
New Contributor

Just thought I' d post to say that it worked fine. I did the copy the first 3 lines trick. I think the reason it failed last time was due to the fact the fortigate units were on different firmware versions now that I think about it. Thanks for your help
Valued Contributor III

No Problem. Glad it worked out.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

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