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index out of range error while trying to create new custom IPS signature in fortigate

hi there.

i want it to monitor the order of the ciphersuites in a TLS client hello  POP3S traffic via a custom ips signature. unfortunately for me i get this error "index out of range " when trying to create the custom rule.

here are my custom rule.


F-SBID( -name "custom.cipher.suites"; --protocol tcp; --service SSL; --flow from_ client; --parsed_type TLS_V2; --dst_port 995; --seq 1, relative; --pattern "|c0 30 00 9f c0 9f c0 2f 00 9e c0 9e 00 3d 00 35 00 3c 00 2f  00 0a 00 ff|"; --distance 59,packet; --within 1,packet;).


join to this post is my pcap screenshot showing what i want to monitor


PS: am not sure that my rule is well written, any help regarding this last  one is more than appreciated. 


New Contributor

hi there.

while trying to troubleshoot the syntax of my custom signature i realize that no matter how tried to shrink it suspecting that maybe  i am using a deprecated option or omitting something, i was getting the same error message: " index out of range" which lead me to think that i am missing something else here not related to the syntaxe.

PS: my custom signature of shring it is like: "F-SBID( -name "custom.cipher.suites"; --protocol tcp;  --flow from_client; --dst_port 995; --dst_addr x.x.x.x; )"

any help would be greatly appréicated because a mlost.

best regards 


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