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fortiwifi lan



I'm working for fortiwifi and a fortiswitch.  Fortiwifi comes with LAN(port1,2,3) and a wifi.  I created 3 vlans on fortswitch.  I want to move the LAN ports 1,2,3 on fortiwifi to one of my VLAN 100.  The LAN ports on fortwifi are bundled to together as LAN-there is no separation. I want to essentially make one of the VLAN as my LAN and anything plugs on the fortiwifi ports will get an ip from the VLAN.  To do that it requires to move or tie the ports to fortiswitch.


A help is appreciated.

Thank you


Hi @Staphisco,


Can you provide a network diagram of what you are trying to achieve? Is FortiSwitch managed by FortiWifi? 



New Contributor

I’m out but I can explain.  Yes fortiswitch is managed by fortiwifi. Fortiswitch is connected to port A on fortiwifi. Fortiwifi has 4 ports A, 1, 2,3.  I have created  clans 100, 120, and 140. Vlan 100 will be use as LAN meaning ports 1,2,3 will be part of VLAN 100 anyone connects to those ports will get an IP from VLN 100.  I don’t know how to get port 1,2,3 from fortiwifi to fortiswitch and put them to Vlan 100.  Thx


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