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New Contributor being categorized as a Phishing website

Hello Everyone,


This morning when my co-workers attempted to visit they were greeted with a block page, saying that the website is in the phishing category. Anyone else seeing this? I haven't manually re-categorized the website or edited it in my web filter in any way.


FWIW, when I used the "have the rating of this web page re-evaluated" link, that Fortinet service believes that the URL is in the "Shopping and Auction" category, which is what I would expect, but it doesn't match what is in my device.



New Contributor

The issue appears to have corrected itself.

New Contributor

thanks for your information

New Contributor is not a phishing website. Phishing websites are fraudulent websites that are designed to steal personal information and money from unsuspecting users. is a legitimate and secure online shopping website that is owned by Amazon, a Fortune 500 company.

On Amazon you can sell your products and make your revenue. If you want to get Amazon Account Management service from urtasker you can contact.

New Contributor

To protect yourself from falling victim to phishing scams, it's essential to follow these best practices:

  1. Check the URL: Always verify the website's URL like studyheal before entering any personal or financial information. Ensure that the URL starts with "https://" and includes "" for Amazon, or the correct domain for any other website you're using.

  2. Use Official Apps: For popular online services like Amazon, it's safer to use the official mobile apps or desktop applications provided by the company. These apps are typically more secure and less susceptible to phishing attacks.

  3. Be Wary of Email Links: Avoid clicking on links in emails, especially if they ask you to log in or provide personal information. Instead, go directly to the official website by typing the URL into your browser.

  4. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Whenever possible, enable 2FA for your online accounts, including your Amazon account. This adds an extra layer of security.

  5. Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with common phishing tactics and be cautious when you encounter suspicious emails, messages, or websites. Look for signs of phishing, such as misspelled URLs, generic greetings, and requests for sensitive information.

  6. Use Antivirus and Anti-Phishing Software: Install reputable antivirus and anti-phishing software on your computer and keep it up to date.

  7. Report Suspected Phishing: If you receive a suspicious email or come across a website that you believe is a phishing attempt, report it to the legitimate company and to anti-phishing organizations like the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) or your local law enforcement.


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