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New Contributor II

admin User only with Reboot/Shutdown

Hi all We have around 100 remote offices where we have basic local IT stuff. The Firiewall Management is central in my office. This admins need access to there local Firewall for reboot or shutdown the Firewall. NOT MORE. NO System changes, NO policy changes ... Only reboot/shutdown This regarding local work in different timezones. I don' t like to rest in my office and do middle in the night to shutdown of the Fortigate regarding a power work in a remote office. The local stuff must be able to shutdown the box local, without config possibility. Where I can configure/add a Admin profile ONLY with the possibility to reboot or shutdown a Fortigate. Thanks for your help.
Valued Contributor

With a Fortimanager you could create a portal for special users to only allow tasks like shutdown/reboot and so on... A Fortimanager for >100 devices will for sure be a lot of help as well, but will also be some effort to implement, especially in the transition from 4.2 to 4.3... so I agree with Ede, that this might be the only real working solution... but not easy to achieve in just some small steps!!
New Contributor

If it would have been in our organisation I would have developed an web-application with two options: shutdown and reboot. Depending on the user rights the accessible firewalls will be shown in a list. Just make sure you keep it simple, without any possibilites that the user can shutdown/reboot the wrong firewall, or modify the script.
New Contributor II

function request is opened at Fortinet. We will see, if they will add in the next release. Thanks for all your replays

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