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Zone Configuration Problem

Hi Sir / Ma'am


I created Zone 10, 20, 30 and followed the instruction from Fortigate Cookbook using our Fortigate Firewall FG101E. I have also included myself in the address objects and created a policy going from LAN to WAN and WAN to LAN and there is still no connection. I have also checked block-intra traffic. What is wrong with my configuration? Hoping for your reply. Thanks!

Esteemed Contributor III

Without your config and a "diag debug flow" we would have no clue as to what you're doing or what's happening. You mention zone and then stated  and I quote


I have also included myself in the address objects and created a policy going from LAN to WAN and WAN to LAN and there is still no connection. 


So is correct or is the policy src/dst intf vrs src/dst zone members? Please update and provide more details or topology map, but I would get a flow trace with the dst address and state to monitor the output.  I would suspect based on traffic is not working its policy or routing, or address object is wrong.


Ken Felix






PCNSE NSE StrongSwan

Would it work without zones? Then problem is the policy. Zone just collects all member interfaces and let policies to use it instead of individual interfaces.


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