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Won't connect No error

Hi all.  I have the same problem. won't connect. No error

( When connecting, the VPN won't connect. Password is accepted and a token is requested. When a token is entered, the login screen resets as if nothing happened. No error message and the connection fails. MacBook Pro (m1) running the latest version of Foritclient (VPN) 7.0.2

New Contributor II

Did you try logging into the web portal? Does the login work there?

If it does, try updating the client.



I could see that you requested the VPN client download link on the below forum.


Please download the file using the below link and let us know if you need any further help on this.

Password: 9t6cHWRM





sourav ranjna nanda
New Contributor

Hello, I have Fortitoken Windows installed under Win 10 Pro. 

Application downloaded from Microsoft Store and have version 4.1.1027

When App started I press plus sign below to add new account.

There I enter my username and password provided by customer who have FortiGate set on their side. There is also Category field where you can choose from two options Fortinet or 3rd party. 

With Category set to Fortinet and with my username\password entered when I press Done

it shows waiting round for couple of seconds then blue screen appear for just 0.25 of second and then it close. No errors. Nothing. When I start the App again account data not saved and I need to enter credentials again. 

With category set to 3rd party it accepts the credentials, account saves properly and it generates tokens fine but those tokens can not be accepted on customer FortiGate. FortiClient connection fails with Invalid credentials error (In instructions from customer they require to use Category set to Fortynet).

Also if with category set to 3rd party I intentionally enter wrong password then it says that secret key is invaid which makes me believe that credentials I have are correct.

Actually I've tried it to my mini PC on my tower PC and on my Laptop. All have official Win 10 Pro  64 bit installed. I'm wondering what triggering the problem and if the App have any error log in Windows to check why it fails?


Hi Eyalslom,


I understand you are not able to connect to VPN, where client doesn't show any error after giving the username and password.


Could you please confirm if the issue is happening on all the user machines, if so, could you please check the remoteauthtimeout in the global settings.

Please consider increasing the remoteauthtimeout in global settings.

config system global
set remoteauthtimeout <value>

Bydefault it is 5 seconds, please try to increase and test.


You have replied to the old request from â€Ž04-03-2022. Can you please check the last one reply in this thread from Shnurokoleso â€Ž08-22-2022?

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