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WLLB and Port Forwarding

Good day everyone,


 i have some issue, about port forwarding.


i already setup WLLB connection and its working fine. then when i trying to setup port forward to my ipcam.


I created VIP>>interface "Any">>external ip add "one of my public ip in WLLB">>mapped IP "ip of my ipcam">> protocol "UDP">>external service port "8888" map to port "8888"..


then i created a policy>>>Incming Intf "Wan-load-Balance>>Outgoing " Port Of my ipcam">>>Source "ALL" Destination add "VIP">>>schedule  "ALways">> services "All">>>nat "Enable"..


then nothing happened. when i tried to access my ipcam using my pub. isp.


*FGT 100d 5.4


any suggestion, tutorial.


thanks in advance.



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