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WAN Failover and Fail-back with VOIP Connections

I have a 60E with 2 WAN connections: a coax cable broadband connection on WAN1 and a LTE connection on WAN2. I have fail-over configured and all traffic properly fails over to WAN2 when WAN1 goes offline. The issue is that some of the traffic is VOIP and when WAN1 comes back online, those VOIP connections don't drop and retain their connections through WAN2. How can I force all connections to drop from WAN2 so they are forced to fail back to WAN1?


Here is what my config code looks like:


conf sys link-monitor ­ edit wan1failover ­ set srcintf wan1 ­ set server "" "" ­ set gateway-ip "<WAN1-GW>" ­ set interval 20 ­ set failtime 7 ­ set recoverytime 5 ­ set update-cascade-interface enable ­ set update-static-route enable ­ set status enable ­ next ­ edit wan2failover ­ set srcintf wan2 ­ set server "" "" ­ set gateway-ip "<WAN2-GW>" ­ set interval 20 ­ set failtime 7 ­ set recoverytime 5 ­ set update-cascade-interface enable ­ set update-static-route enable ­ set status enable ­ end

New Contributor III

I am looking now for the solution of this problem. I have adjusted SD-WAN and when my router is losing connection I am experiencing the same issue. That to resolve it I should clear old sessions of VoIP device on my Fortigate and reboot VoIP device, only after that I have no any issues. VoIP provider offered to me run the script on my Fortigate which will ping their servers and if some of them will be down the script should clear the sessions. For the device they recommended me to adjust variable which define the time when device re-register on their server to every 60 seconds instead of reboot it. 


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