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VPN bandwidth requirements

Does anyone know what type of bandwidth is needed for the VPN? I have 768K DSL and the VPN works just fine for me. Another user keeps having intermittent problems with the VPN. I don' t know what type of speed she has (she keeps giving me the runaround whenever I ask questions about her about her Internet connection) but it sounds like she might have faster service than I do.
Valued Contributor III

We have Road Runner (5MBps down, 384 KBps up). It works until you introduce JAVA applets, and file sharing. Just telnet and http work fine. The same heavy JAVA applet (Kronos) worked acceptably on Cablevision/Optimum (10MBps down, 2MBps up).

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
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The bandwidth doesn' t require any particular set amount of bandwidth per se, it depends on the applications you are running through the VPN. I quite often use the VPN through a cellular internet connection, and it works just fine. If the connection isn' t stable, that will cause problems, but the bandwidth level itself problem isn' t the issue.

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