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VPN SSL : Permision denied Fortigate 100D 5.6.6

I cant login SSL VPN and i debug : with this 

FG100D3G17801978 # diagnose test authserver ldap Keppel-AD phunv ABCD@1234
[2137] handle_req-Rcvd auth req 34006537 for phunv in Keppel-AD opt=0000001b prot=0
[366] __compose_group_list_from_req-Group 'Keppel-AD'
[605] fnbamd_pop3_start-phunv
[1043] __fnbamd_cfg_get_ldap_list_by_server-Loading LDAP server 'Keppel-AD'
[1552] fnbamd_ldap_init-search filter is: sAMAccountName=phunv
[1561] fnbamd_ldap_init-search base is: dc=hcm\2C dc=keppelland\2C dc=com
[974] __fnbamd_ldap_dns_cb-Resolved Keppel-AD(idx 0) to
[1025] __fnbamd_ldap_dns_cb-Still connecting.
[508] create_auth_session-Total 1 server(s) to try
[941] __ldap_connect-tcps_connect( is established.
[815] __ldap_rxtx-state 3(Admin Binding)
[196] __ldap_build_bind_req-Binding to ''
[852] fnbamd_ldap_send-sending 60 bytes to
[864] fnbamd_ldap_send-Request is sent. ID 1
[815] __ldap_rxtx-state 4(Admin Bind resp)
[1056] fnbamd_ldap_recv-Response len: 16, svr:
[756] fnbamd_ldap_parse_response-Got one MESSAGE. ID:1, type:bind
[791] fnbamd_ldap_parse_response-ret=0
[882] __ldap_rxtx-Change state to 'DN search'
[815] __ldap_rxtx-state 11(DN search)
[584] fnbamd_ldap_build_dn_search_req-base:'dc=hcm\2C dc=keppelland\2C dc=com' filter:sAMAccountName=phunv
[852] fnbamd_ldap_send-sending 89 bytes to
[864] fnbamd_ldap_send-Request is sent. ID 2
[815] __ldap_rxtx-state 12(DN search resp)
[1056] fnbamd_ldap_recv-Response len: 96, svr:
[756] fnbamd_ldap_parse_response-Got one MESSAGE. ID:2, type:search-result
[778] fnbamd_ldap_parse_response-Error 34(0000208F: LdapErr: DSID-0C0907E9, comment: Error processing name, data 0, v2580)
[791] fnbamd_ldap_parse_response-ret=34
[725] __ldap_stop-svr 'Keppel-AD'
[182] fnbamd_comm_send_result-Sending result 1 (error 0, nid 0) for req 34006537
authenticate 'phunv' against 'Keppel-AD' failed!
FG100D3G17801978 # [653] destroy_auth_session-delete session 34006537

Please help thanks 

1 Solution
New Contributor III

Have a look at this post in the User and Authentication section -


In particular, Handoz56's response with a solution that worked for me...


Hey, just find my problem with the help of fortinet support :   config system global set ldapconntimeout 1000 end   it was a timeout in the ldap request , 500 is the default value and if you put 1000 now it works for me, maybe same problem for you?

View solution in original post

New Contributor III

Have a look at this post in the User and Authentication section -


In particular, Handoz56's response with a solution that worked for me...


Hey, just find my problem with the help of fortinet support :   config system global set ldapconntimeout 1000 end   it was a timeout in the ldap request , 500 is the default value and if you put 1000 now it works for me, maybe same problem for you?

New Contributor

Hi m0j0 

Thank you so much for your help

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