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VIP Port Forwarding Settings for Mapping a Shared Network Drive on Windows

I am trying to remotely access a servers shared network folders from a specific VPN server IP address. The server that has the shared folder is inside the firewall and I usually use port forwarding to get from the public IP address to the server's static IP. I know for sure the port forwarding is working because I have several websites working with IIS using the port forwarding and the RDP with the port forwarding works perfectly.

Are there specific firewall policies and settings I need to use to allow mapping a Mapping a Shared Network Drive? I have been trying many settings with specific UDP ports and and TCP ports and I still am not able to get to the specific folders. Has anyone successfully achieved a shared folder connection through their Fortinet? 

Thanks in advance.


Hi @tmulley ,


- Are you accessing the folders over the VPN?


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