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Unable to connect with linux forticlient [SOLVED]

I have installed forticlient_vpn_7.2.2.0753_amd64.deb on a Debian  system and an unable

to connect.  The forticlient gui starts and I configure the connection as instructed by the network

administrator.  I have tried both Debian 11 and Debian 12 with the same results.  When I click "SAML Login" on the forticlient vpn screen showing the vpn name nothing happens.  No errors, no authentication popup, and no connection is made.



[2024-02-22 10:33:19.561] [info] WindowManager handlePossibleProtocolLauncherArgs argv=["/opt/forticlient/gui/FortiClient-linux-x64/FortiClient"]
[2024-02-22 10:33:19.577] [info] WindowManager handleCreateMainWindow
[2024-02-22 10:33:19.620] [info] MAIN MainWindow - createWindow Platform detected: fedora
[2024-02-22 10:33:19.829] [info] web-contents-created
[2024-02-22 10:33:19.906] [info] Saml - init
[2024-02-22 10:33:19.907] [info] Saml - listenSamlLoginRequest
[2024-02-22 10:33:20.486] [info] compliance configDir=/home/fox/.config/FortiClient/config
[2024-02-22 10:33:20.496] [info] MAIN did-finish-load
[2024-02-22 10:33:20.512] [info] MAIN ready-to-show
[2024-02-22 10:33:21.409] [info] IPC_RENDERER_REQUEST.LOADED
[2024-02-22 10:33:21.410] [info] WindowManager handleWindowLoaded
[2024-02-22 10:33:21.410] [info] WindowManager handlePossibleProtocolLauncherArgs argv=["/opt/forticlient/gui/FortiClient-linux-x64/FortiClient"]
[2024-02-22 10:33:21.410] [info] WindowManager handleCreateMainWindow
[2024-02-22 10:33:38.271] [info] Vpn - doSamlConnect e={}
[2024-02-22 10:33:38.420] [info] IPC_RENDERER_REQUEST.SAML_LOGIN_CANCELLED err={"msg":"SSLVPN SAML request is cancelled."}
[2024-02-22 10:33:38.422] [info] Saml - closeServer
[2024-02-22 10:34:22.685] [info] Events - IPC_RENDERER_REQUEST.SETTINGS_EXPORT_LOGS req={"path":"/home/fox/Downloads","exported_logs":"/var/run/forticlient/"}
[2024-02-22 10:34:27.589] [info] WindowManager WindowManager - handleWindowClosed
[2024-02-22 10:34:27.593] [info] WindowManager WindowManager - all windows are destroyed. quit the app.

confighandler.log:20240222 10:33:22.020 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:274 Sent 36 bytes.
20240222 10:33:58.926 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:306 Received request [7].
20240222 10:33:58.926 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:274 Sent 111 bytes.
20240222 10:33:58.928 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fct_websocket:480 GET /vpn HTTP/1.1 200
20240222 10:34:02.667 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:306 Received request [11].
20240222 10:34:02.667 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:274 Sent 0 bytes.
20240222 10:34:02.667 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:306 Received request [11].
20240222 10:34:02.668 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:274 Sent 0 bytes.
20240222 10:34:02.676 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fct_websocket:480 GET /compliance HTTP/1.1 200
20240222 10:34:02.676 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:306 Received request [2].
20240222 10:34:02.677 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:274 Sent 255 bytes.
20240222 10:34:02.686 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fct_websocket:480 GET /tabs HTTP/1.1 200
20240222 10:34:02.686 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:306 Received request [2].
20240222 10:34:02.687 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:274 Sent 255 bytes.
20240222 10:34:02.694 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fct_websocket:480 GET /settings HTTP/1.1 200
20240222 10:34:02.694 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:306 Received request [2].
20240222 10:34:02.696 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:274 Sent 255 bytes.
20240222 10:34:02.705 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fct_websocket:480 GET /tabs HTTP/1.1 200
20240222 10:34:02.706 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:306 Received request [2].
20240222 10:34:02.707 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:274 Sent 255 bytes.
20240222 10:34:02.716 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fct_websocket:480 GET /settings HTTP/1.1 200
20240222 10:34:02.717 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:306 Received request [3].
20240222 10:34:02.717 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fctconfig_handler:274 Sent 36 bytes.
20240222 10:34:02.720 TZ=-0600 [confighandler:DEBG] fct_websocket:480 GET /settings/lock HTTP/1.1 200

fctsched.log:20240222 10:32:17.351 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:20.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:447 FctTaskQueue::ScheduleEventCallback
20240222 10:32:20.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:23.351 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:26.349 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:29.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:32.347 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:35.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:38.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:41.347 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:44.347 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:47.347 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:50.348 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:53.351 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:56.347 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:32:59.349 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:02.351 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:05.347 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:08.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:11.351 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:14.346 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:17.348 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:20.349 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:447 FctTaskQueue::ScheduleEventCallback
20240222 10:33:20.349 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:20.567 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] cmd_dispatcher:147 Remote command : IsAvRunning
20240222 10:33:20.567 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] cmd_dispatcher:199 *********Check AV Status****************
20240222 10:33:20.567 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:984 Task Queue size : 2
20240222 10:33:20.567 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:984 Task Queue size : 2
20240222 10:33:20.567 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:984 Task Queue size : 2
20240222 10:33:20.839 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] cmd_dispatcher:147 Remote command : IsAvRunning
20240222 10:33:20.839 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] cmd_dispatcher:199 *********Check AV Status****************
20240222 10:33:20.839 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:984 Task Queue size : 2
20240222 10:33:20.839 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:984 Task Queue size : 2
20240222 10:33:20.839 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:984 Task Queue size : 2
20240222 10:33:20.982 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] cmd_dispatcher:147 Remote command : IsAvRunning
20240222 10:33:20.982 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] cmd_dispatcher:199 *********Check AV Status****************
20240222 10:33:20.982 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:984 Task Queue size : 2
20240222 10:33:20.982 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:984 Task Queue size : 2
20240222 10:33:20.982 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:984 Task Queue size : 2
20240222 10:33:21.333 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] cmd_dispatcher:147 Remote command : StartUpdateTask
20240222 10:33:21.333 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] cmd_dispatcher:235 *********Call StartUpdateTask*******************
20240222 10:33:21.333 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] cmd_dispatcher:444 Update cmd : /opt/forticlient/update
20240222 10:33:21.333 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:978 Add Task Queue size : 3
20240222 10:33:21.333 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:INFO] cmd_dispatcher:448 Update task added
20240222 10:33:23.351 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:23.351 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:186 Delete task 4
20240222 10:33:26.347 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:29.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:32.352 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:35.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:38.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:41.349 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:44.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:47.347 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:50.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:53.351 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:56.349 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:33:59.352 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:34:02.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:34:05.361 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:34:08.347 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:34:11.347 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:34:14.349 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:34:17.350 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call
20240222 10:34:20.348 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:447 FctTaskQueue::ScheduleEventCallback
20240222 10:34:20.348 TZ=-0600 [scheduler:DEBG] fct_task_queue:179 FctTaskQueue timer call


The network admins are Windows only so they have not been able to help me.




2 Solutions

Hi @foleda,


Do you have remote gateway with https:// on FortiClient? If yes, try removing it and try again. 



View solution in original post

New Contributor

That was it.  https:// was included in the instructions I got from the network admin, which worked with clients on Windows machines.  Once I removed it from the gateway configuration on my Linux machine it started working.  Thanks.

View solution in original post


Hi @foleda,


Do you have remote gateway with https:// on FortiClient? If yes, try removing it and try again. 



New Contributor

That was it.  https:// was included in the instructions I got from the network admin, which worked with clients on Windows machines.  Once I removed it from the gateway configuration on my Linux machine it started working.  Thanks.

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