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Two different Public IP addresses to be masked as one

Good Day all


i am in a predicament, i have 2 different service providers that have two different public ip addresses, we use an application from the states that is only able to use one public ip. the reason i have 2 different public ip addresses is that on is a fail over. i need to make sure that if the second link kicks in due to power or provider issues that it reflects the same public ip as the main link. is this even possible i have read numerous posts but none seem to help me achieve my goal. 


please help  


thank you in advance.


I dont think that is possible the way you think.

You can create WAN Redundancy by using sd-wan or adding more default routes with higher costs.

Still you will have to do dnat with the ip the currently used wan interface has.

Other way round would be a routing/ip distribution issue on your isp(s) side. I don't thihnk they will do this.


A "workaround" might be not to use the public ip but on the opposite side use a fqdn created by a dnyndns service that points to the ip oof your currently used wan. This can be done by using the buiilt in FortiDDNS Service in the FGT.


"It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams

-- "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams

Thank you for your quick response, so my efforts are actually in vain? i just really thought that this would be possible. like creating a trunk with the public ip and all traffic that passes through that tunnel would reflect that public ip, sort of like masking.


thank you again


Hi Steven,


The problem is you're only thinking of your environment, not how the Internet as a whole routes traffic.  ISP A owns your WAN 1 IP address and ISP B owns your WAN 2 IP address. 


There is no mechanism in your situation for upstream providers to know that YOUR link with ISP A failed and they should now route your particular ISP A IP address to ISP B.  They don't even know you use ISP A and B, because they don't know you exist. 


BGP is that mechanism for larger networks (i.e. if you owned your OWN addresses), but you'd need at least a /24 not to run into filtering issues.  Sebastian's idea of using dynamic DNS is your best shot.


- Daniel


Good day all


i want to thank you for all your advise and i will be exploring these avenues, i feel i haven't explained my issue enough so i will do my best and if the answers are still the same i will let it be. the company i support is a fabrication company they are in constant communication with another company in the USA they have a direct ipsec tunnel into the network where they share drawings and information of the products. so if the tunnel goes down that means that orders stand still and work cannot commence. this is why i needed to know if merging two different isp public's into one would be possible. could we not then just do redundant ipsec tunnels or is dyndns still the best option. thank you again for all the feedback it is greatly appreciated.






Indeed it woul work if you own autonomous subnets. With that you could announce a new route for subnet A on Line B. But I assume that you do not have such since it is rather very complex and much efford and probably costs to get some. 


The ISP I worked for like 12yrs had some - thats why I know that.


"It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams

-- "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams

ok great so Dns looks like my only option then, im fairly new to the fortigate dns side how would i go about setting that up?




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