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Subscription renewals and geographic location

Can anyone help me with a subscription renewal question please?


Are subscriptions tied to geographic region? i.e. if purchasing through a reseller must they be used in the region that they were bought in? 

Is there any reason why I could not (for example) buy a subscription renewal through a US reseller to use in France?




FYI, with my German distributor I have to supply the serial number for which I want to buy a FG renewal. As a bundle renewal always contains FortiCare as well I imagine it might be difficult to "export" these renewals into different regions/continents (but I haven't asked yet).

Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

ede_pfau wrote:

FYI, with my German distributor I have to supply the serial number for which I want to buy a FG renewal. As a bundle renewal always contains FortiCare as well I imagine it might be difficult to "export" these renewals into different regions/continents (but I haven't asked yet).

We did supply the serial number and I've applied the renewal code to the asset without issue (so far); I guess we will see what happens when the original entitlement for the unit expires in 2 months.


Just to follow up - the renewal occurred last Saturday and all seems well; the asset entitlement shows the new expiration date and updates have continued on the device.


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