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Static Routes to DMZ hosts

Should I set statics routes to hosts connected to DMZ interface in " Network - Routing table" ? Or should be enough to set DMZ address in " network interface" and hence the routing to that hosts is implicit Thanks
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Assuming that your DMZ comprises only one IP subnet and no VLANs/subinterfaces, then no, you don' t need to configure routes to individual DMZ hosts. And yes, configuring a route to the DMZ subnet is the common-practice standard approach.' Your config might could include something like this, where route 0 provides a default route to the internet, route 1 supports traffic to the internal network, and route 2 sends traffic to the DMZ:
 set system route number 0 dst gw1 ExternalInterfaceIPaddress 
 set system route number 1 dst internalNetworkAddress internalNetmask gw1 internalInteraceIPaddress 
 set system route number 2 dst dmzNetworkAddress dmzNetmask gw1 dmzInterfaceIPaddress 
cheers, ybiC freelance consultant to Christian non-profits IOS, CatOS, Debian, Perl, Zaurus, Win32 desktop hw/sw, cable-plant testing
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Below is the settings os the router table # get system route table No. Dst Gw1 interface Gw2 interface 0 (IProuter) auto auto As you can see, there is no routes defined to DMZ hosts (192.168.x.x) Should I add new routes to DMZ hosts?
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Let me clarify a wee bit, good sir... You will need to add a routing table entry for your DMZ network, and you could do it in this format:
The following assumptions[ul]
  • your DMZ network is addressed as
  • your DMZ network has a netmask of
  • your DMZ interface is addressed as
  • your Fortigate is set for NAT and not transparent mode
  • there are no other routes already in your routing table
  • you are using the CLI instead of the web GUI[/ul] result in this example:
    set system route number 1 dst gw1
    You will likely also need to add a similar routing table entry for your inside network. That is, if you want the DMZ hosts to be able to communicate with inside network hosts.
  • Not applicable

    Gah - I must have been on drugs when I posted my first two replies in this thread... 8^( No, you don' t need to configure any static routes for networks directly connected to your Fortigate interfaces (internal, wan, dmz, wlan etc). Static routing table entries are only needed for remote networks that aren' t behind your default gateway, and that only when you aren' t using dynamic routing in your network (rip, ospf, eigrp, etc). Any layer 3 routing device, like a Fortigate, automatically adds connected networks to it' s routing table. Apologies to any whom my initial advice may have mis-directed.

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