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SSL-VPN Portal and Java

Hello community, this is my first post here , so pls be lenient towards me if some information is missing. I set up a ssl vpn in web-only mode on a FG200B, v4.0,build0291, 100824 (MR2 Patch2). Ping, SMB-Mount and HTTP works fine, but everytime a site contains java i get a java exeption: (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException, (JRE 1.6.0_26, Internet Explorer 8 / Firefox 8, 9 on XP) Is it possible to run a java application over the SSL-VPN Portal in general? If so, what may i have missed in the configuration process? Further information: the bookmark on the portal is: (Server-IP):7002/forms/frmservlet the resulting URL in the browser is https://(FG-IP)/proxy/https://(Server-IP):7002/forms/frmservlet (that looks ok) but the Java Console is showing: https://(FG-IP)/forms/java/frmall.jar (no proxy or server information any more) attached screeshot of ssl-policy kind regards Matthias
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What browser are you using?
In His Service, ITS FCA (Dennis and Peter) Information Technology Service - French Camp Academy Information technology (IT) is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microele
In His Service, ITS FCA (Dennis and Peter) Information Technology Service - French Camp Academy Information technology (IT) is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microele
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I have encountered similar limitations with the Web-only proxy. We even encountered it with a HTML/JS product (Kayako Resolve). The way it would build its links within Javascript would not get parsed by the FGT proxy. The proxy is simple and effective, but is limited. It seems to only parse simple HTML code for hyperlinks and falls apart when it runs into more complex sites (understandably). I spoke briefly to Fortinet support about this and they didn' t have much to suggest beyond RDPing to an internal system to access the site or using the full Forticlient SSL VPN. You, like me, may be out of luck.

Probably worth looking through the read me notes for patch3 through patch 10 for mr2 and also MR3 as they' ve made quite a few changes to webmode in mr3

Fortinet Expert partner - Norway

NSE8Fortinet Expert partner - Norway
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Hello, thanks for the replies @ FCA ITS: tried it with firefox first, but FN Support told me FF is only supported until version 3.6 But same problem with IE 7 and 8 @ wraezor: seems to be the same problem ;-( It is a Oracle Webfusion Application. Other (simple) java applications are working now. The JRE is starting and at some stage it tries to open a file called registry.dat. error message is: [2072:root]File does not exist: /migadmin/forms/registry/oracle/forms/registry/Registry.dat. /migadmin is a FortiOS Folder, /forms/registry/oracle/forms/registry/Registry.dat is the path on the target computer so, in this case it seem that the proxy isn' t working properly @ simonorch: MR3 has some limitations with the free forticlient, so i am in a dilemma. I can only move to MR3 when this problem is solved ;-( regards Matthias

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