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SSL VPN NOT allowing dns resolution to internal network servers

Hi there

  when I SSL vpn into our work network i cannot ping the dns resolution. For example I can ping 192.X.X.X but cant ping . Any ideas on what I need to do on the firewall side? thanks :)

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do you have defined internal dns servers in ssl-vpn settings and allowed dns connections for vpn clients?

additional you can specify dns suffix for ssl vpn connections via cli.


rgesche wrote:

do you have defined internal dns servers in ssl-vpn settings and allowed dns connections for vpn clients?

additional you can specify dns suffix for ssl vpn connections via cli.

This is definitely true for tunnel-mode VPN, but for web-mode, it actually uses Network | DNS Server settings to do resolution - so if you've not defined local DNS and local domain suffix here and it's web mode, it won't work.

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You need to specify your internal DNS Server on the DNS option in you SSL VPN Setup.



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