the post before is right! What you can also do is to exclude specifi sites from Scanning, Interceptiong anyway becaused it makes no sense (think about if it makes sense or not :) ). Keep in the rulebase in mind that always top down first match wins is the rule. If you install a rule on the top and in this rule you DO NOT USE ANY Profiles for Interception, Antivirus etc. you can add to this rules the object which are reflecting by FQDN the update server from microsoft etc. Example: Makes it really sense to scan Antivrus Updates coming from vendors delivered by https? I think you got it :-)
What I configure for small customers (not enterprise) is following to exclude this thinks from scanning:
# Firewall Settings Address
config firewall address
edit " host-albert.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " ITunes Server"
set fqdn " albert.apple.com"
edit " host-ax.itunes.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set comment " ITunes Server / AppStore Server"
set color 7
set fqdn " ax.itunes.apple.com"
edit " host-deimos3.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " ITunes Server / AppStore Server"
set fqdn " deimos3.apple.com"
edit " host-download.windowsupdate.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " download.windowsupdate.com"
edit " host-gs.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " ITunes Server / AppStore Server"
set fqdn " gs.apple.com"
edit " host-itunes.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " ITunes Server / AppStore Server"
set fqdn " itunes.apple.com"
edit " host-metrics.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " ITunes Server / AppStore Server"
set fqdn " metrics.apple.com"
edit " host-phobos.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " ITunes Server / AppStore Server"
set fqdn " phobos.apple.com"
edit " host-phobos.apple.com.edgesuite.net"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " ITunes Server / AppStore Server"
set fqdn " phobos.apple.com.edgesuite.net"
edit " host-swcdn.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " Mac OSx Update Server"
set fqdn " swcdn.apple.com"
edit " host-swdownload.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " Mac OSx Update Server"
set fqdn " swdownload.apple.com"
edit " host-swquery.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " Mac OSx Update Server"
set fqdn " swquery.apple.com"
edit " host-swscan.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " Mac OSx Update Server"
set fqdn " swscan.apple.com"
edit " host-update.microsoft.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " update.microsoft.com"
edit " host-wildcard.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " *.apple.com"
edit " host-wildcard.phobos.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " ITunes Server / AppStore Server"
set fqdn " *.phobos.apple.com"
edit " host-appldnld.apple.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set comment " ITunes Server / AppStore Server"
set fqdn " appldnld.apple.com"
edit " host-wildcard.download.windowsupdate.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " *.download.windowsupdate.com"
edit " host-wildcard.update.microsoft.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " *.update.microsoft.com"
edit " host-www.msftncsi.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " www.msftncsi.com"
edit " host-windowsupdate.microsoft.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " windowsupdate.microsoft.com"
edit " host-wildcard.windowsupdate.microsoft.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " *.windowsupdate.microsoft.com"
edit " host-wildcard.windowsupdate.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " *.windowsupdate.com"
edit " host-download.microsoft.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " download.microsoft.com"
edit " host-test.stats.update.microsoft.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " test.stats.update.microsoft.com"
edit " host-ntservicepack.microsoft.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " ntservicepack.microsoft.com"
edit " host-au.download.windowsupdate.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " au.download.windowsupdate.com"
edit " host-wildcard.activeupdate.trendmicro.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " *.activeupdate.trendmicro.com"
edit " host-wildcard.akamaitechnologies.com"
set type fqdn
set color 7
set fqdn " *.akamaitechnologies.com"
edit " host-wildcard.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com"
set type fqdn
set cache-ttl 1800
set color 7
set fqdn " *.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com"
# Firewall Settings Group
config firewall addrgrp
edit " gr-apple-itunes-appstore-server"
set member " host-albert.apple.com" " host-ax.itunes.apple.com" " host-gs.apple.com" " host-itunes.apple.com" " host-deimos3.apple.com" " host-metrics.apple.com" " host-phobos.apple.com.edgesuite.net" " host-phobos.apple.com" " host-wildcard.phobos.apple.com" " host-appldnld.apple.com"
set comment " Group itunes appstoare update server also-solutions-sg0e0"
set color 7
edit " gr-mac-osx-update-server"
set member " host-swscan.apple.com" " host-swquery.apple.com" " host-swdownload.apple.com" " host-swcdn.apple.com"
set comment " Group mac os x update server also-solutions-sg0e0"
set color 7
edit " gr-windows-update-server"
set member " host-download.windowsupdate.com" " host-wildcard.download.windowsupdate.com" " host-update.microsoft.com" " host-wildcard.update.microsoft.com" " host-www.msftncsi.com" " host-windowsupdate.microsoft.com" " host-wildcard.windowsupdate.microsoft.com" " host-wildcard.windowsupdate.com" " host-download.microsoft.com" " host-test.stats.update.microsoft.com" " host-ntservicepack.microsoft.com" " host-au.download.windowsupdate.com"
set comment " Group windows update server also-solutions-sg0e0"
set color 7
edit " gr-akamaitechnologies-update-server"
set member " host-wildcard.akamaitechnologies.com" " host-wildcard.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com"
set comment " Group akamaitechnologies update server"
set color 7
This is another way to go...not for every installation but a way for smaler customers!
hope this helps
have fun