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SSL Inspection - connection reset

Hi everyone, I' ve been trying to figure out this issue for some time, i' m trying to implement SSL inspection for webfiltering and on some sites i' ve got connection resets while on others everything works beautifully. My main issue is that one of these sites is Google, and Facebook is another, each time i want to access this sites with SSL inspection, a connection reset ocurrs. A site that works, for example, or The CA certificate in the Fortigate was correctly imported in the client, also was signed by our internal root_ca, so no issues there. Several browsers tested (IE, Chrome, Firefox), Windows & Linux also tested. I attach a log with an attempt to access My system: Fortigate 60D with FortiOS 5.0.3. Any insight is welcome, thanks in advance.
New Contributor

I know it is old issue, but I got it now at 501e . I have 12 other models and this is the only one that as this issue.

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