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QA Department

better product testing and quality assurance before releasing any updates
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Halleluja Brother! wOoT
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Hear, hear... There are some large issues that have been allowed to make it through to the GA releases. That is a shame. I really enjoy promoting Fortigate firewalls wherever I can. But, it is not easy to do so when there are obvious bugs in the FortiOS. I give them the old " Fortinet is a young growing company" speech. But I grow tired of making that statement. The trouble isn' t just with new customers. The existing customer base is scared to upgrade, even to the latest Maintenance Release, for fear of losing configuration or even worse: losing functionality. That is a terrible thing. Stability and consistency should rank highly with a developer of security products. Quality assurance is a must, if people are to depend on this company for network protection. Fortinet has a fine product on their hands. I really hope they continue to improve/refine their development process.
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I agree, I like the product but I wouldn' t dare upgrade it at this point in time as right now it works the way I need it to. But using the excuse they are a young company just isn' t valid if you are out to make a good impression on the people you are trying to convice to use your product. Small bugs are one thing promoting functions that just do not work is bad business practices, so is fixing them with in one release then breaking them again in the next. QA, Technical support, and product development need to work a little more closely together, I guess it' s possible that it' s the PM' s fault making them push something out that just isn' t up to par, either that or version control just doesn' t exist here. I guess that is the end of this rant (for now)
New Contributor

I do soooooo much agree on this!

Johan Lysen Consulting AB Johan Lysen, Byvagen 87, 832 46 FROSON Mobile: +46 70 6009221

Johan Lysen Consulting AB Johan Lysen, Byvagen 87, 832 46 FROSON Mobile: +46 70 6009221
New Contributor

I agree also, this seems to really be the only major gripe about the product. Small bugs we can live with (like spelling mistakes ) but not the major memory leaks.
UK Based Technical Consultant FCSE v2.5 FCSE v2.8 FCNSP v3 Specialising in Systems, Apps, SAN Storage and Networks, with over 25 Yrs IT experience.
UK Based Technical Consultant FCSE v2.5 FCSE v2.8 FCNSP v3 Specialising in Systems, Apps, SAN Storage and Networks, with over 25 Yrs IT experience.
New Contributor

Same problems with Cisco - We' ve had nightmares with VPN recently brought about by minor upgrades in code. It' s not a little company thing, but at least they have the excuse that they are actually constantly developing functionality following feature requests etc You won' t get any great joy in a hurry from submitting a feature request to Cisco. If you stay with the rule " If it ain' t broke, don' t fix it" and stay just a bit behind the bleeding edge I don' t think that' s too bad.
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The problem with that is, it would seem more of a marketing push to get all of this new code out rather then fix the current issues, I mean if people were to read this forum before ever buying the product I would have to say that 8 out of 10 would more then likely not purchase a fortinet product. Don' t get me wrong all companies have their bugs (bad thing) but to not fix one version before moving onto the next is just bad practice. I like the product thank god the features I need aren' t one of the broken ones, well other then the stupid wireless tunneling issues. Cisco has been great with the dealings I have had with them, they do their part as far as supporting their product, and releasing fixes and patches
New Contributor II

I just heard that from now on, only bug fixes will be in maintainance releases. It' s really really a good news.
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From now on after what though? After MR4, MR5, MR6? I know they' ve made changes to the soon to be released MR4. See my big post here:

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