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Port Forwarding RTP Traffic

Hello all,


So I've semi gotten this to work, but I'm trying to verify some details.


So we have one static IP address and a FreePBX phone system behind the Fortigate, originally I created a VIP device for each port set that needed to be forwarded however the RTP Port Range of 10,000-20,000 is too large for the VIP. Another suggestion then said instead to just create one VIP and then just port forward through the firewall. However this seems to then make that VIP Device forward all ports to it and prevents say remote management of the Fortigate.


So clearly I'm misunderstanding something with how Fortigate handles this, I am indeed new to Fortigate.


So basically right now I have one VIP Device that just references the FreePBX System, then 3 firewall rules (SIP, RTP and a management) that go to the box. This "works" but then I can't forward any other devices.


If I do it individually and try to set the VIP to only forward the specific protocols then I get the error that there's too many ports.


I am running Fortigate OS 7.


Could someone assist in what I'm doing incorrectly :) 

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Hey GTX, did you ever get an answer on this?


Can you use a dedicated public ip address?


I can. I actually have my PBX on a virtual IP.


Is there another way to use a dedicated IP?


I don't think so.

you can enable only the necessary ports through firewall policies, not necessarily all of them.

for example no http and ssh ports.


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