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Port 10443 limitation in VPN SSL

Hello all! I just start with VPN SSL and I' m really surprised about the impossibility to use the port 443. It' s a very strange limitation and it reduces interest of the solution because most of users are behind firewall or proxy blocking the 10443 default port. Someone has an idea to workaround this limitation? Many thanks.
New Contributor III

i think you can change it ? At least from what i can remember. You need to change your WEB-UI Admin port first (to something else than 443) and than have the SSL VPN settings changed from 10443 to 443. -R.
New Contributor

Red is correct. Just reconfigure your access ports and you should be golden.
FCSE > FCNSP 2.8 > FCNSP 3.0 (Former) FCT
FCSE > FCNSP 2.8 > FCNSP 3.0 (Former) FCT
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Thanks a lot! It works fine, I can connect on 443 TCP port now. But VPN doesn' t work at this time...
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Hi! I' m using SSL-VPN for quite a while now and configured it to respond on port 443. Just change the HTTPS port of the admin site in SYSTEM-ADMIN-SETTINGS to something different, im my case I' ce choosen port 4433. Next you can change the SSL port in VPN-SSL and everything should be fine. Best regards, Roland

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