Issue Phase 2 not working for Site-to-Site IPsec VPN b/w Fortigate and Palo Alto .The same confguration from paloalto is working without any issue with Cisco Router and ASA.
Using Main Mode not Aggressive mode any help will be highly appreciated.
$ show full-configuration vpn ipsec phase1-interface ciscoconfig vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit "cisco" set type static set interface "v410-outside" set ip-version 4 set ike-version 1 set local-gw y.y.y.y set nattraversal enable set keylife 86400 set authmethod psk set mode main set peertype any set mode-cfg enable set proposal 3des-sha1 set add-route enable set localid-type address set negotiate-timeout 30 set fragmentation enable set dpd enable set forticlient-enforcement disable set comments "VPN: cisco (Created by VPN wizard)" set npu-offload enable set dhgrp 5 set wizard-type custom set xauthtype disable set mesh-selector-type disable set remote-gw 34.211.168.x set monitor '' set assign-ip enable set mode-cfg-ip-version 4 set unity-support enable set add-gw-route disable set psksecret ENC CsFrC/6tLWACXFM90iISbYgK5LE6+zHMknq8S1FGQH/TTR2S5LcoGbdX6QSUDTxjYkXxEWOOwUjxCxUAkHaUPW7hCQt9fW2EHPe9dIffmrNlrbt/1APHC81VgHJir3trCUjVq4+qEzGYH25zTVia7IqLyNK9kFV1XkWZbP4VDCdReohoBfGre94QhtMmyXf0ZtpwJA== set keepalive 10 set distance 15 set priority 0 set auto-negotiate enable set dpd-retrycount 3 set dpd-retryinterval 5 nextend $ show full-configuration vpn ipsec phase2-interface ciscoconfig vpn ipsec phase2-interface edit "cisco" set phase1name "cisco" set proposal 3des-sha1 set pfs enable set dhgrp 5 set replay enable set keepalive enable set auto-negotiate enable set keylife-type seconds set encapsulation tunnel-mode set comments "VPN: cisco (Created by VPN wizard)" set keylifeseconds 3600 nextend $ show full-configuration firewall policy 6config firewall policy edit 6 set uuid 82a62378-400d-51e7-4702-73c93f53dd7b set srcintf "v863-inside" set dstintf "cisco" set srcaddr "cisco_local" set dstaddr "cisco_remote" set rtp-nat disable set action accept set status enable set schedule "always" set schedule-timeout disable set service "ALL" set utm-status disable set logtraffic utm set logtraffic-start disable set capture-packet disable set auto-asic-offload enable set wanopt disable set webcache disable set session-ttl 0 set vlan-cos-fwd 255 set vlan-cos-rev 255 set wccp disable set disclaimer disable set natip set match-vip disable set diffserv-forward disable set diffserv-reverse disable set tcp-mss-sender 0 set tcp-mss-receiver 0 set comments "VPN: cisco (Created by VPN wizard)" set label '' set global-label '' set block-notification disable set replacemsg-override-group '' set srcaddr-negate disable set dstaddr-negate disable set service-negate disable set timeout-send-rst disable set captive-portal-exempt disable set traffic-shaper '' set traffic-shaper-reverse '' set per-ip-shaper '' set nat disable nextend $ show full-configuration firewall policy 7config firewall policy edit 7 set uuid 82b08bf6-400d-51e7-311f-c80937989395 set srcintf "cisco" set dstintf "v863-inside" set srcaddr "cisco_remote" set dstaddr "cisco_local" set rtp-nat disable set action accept set status enable set schedule "always" set schedule-timeout disable set service "ALL" set utm-status disable set logtraffic utm set logtraffic-start disable set capture-packet disable set auto-asic-offload enable set wanopt disable set webcache disable set session-ttl 0 set vlan-cos-fwd 255 set vlan-cos-rev 255 set wccp disable set disclaimer disable set natip set match-vip disable set diffserv-forward disable set diffserv-reverse disable set tcp-mss-sender 0 set tcp-mss-receiver 0 set comments "VPN: cisco (Created by VPN wizard)" set label '' set global-label '' set block-notification disable set replacemsg-override-group '' set srcaddr-negate disable set dstaddr-negate disable set service-negate disable set timeout-send-rst disable set captive-portal-exempt disable set traffic-shaper '' set traffic-shaper-reverse '' set per-ip-shaper '' set nat disable nextend $ show full-configuration firewall address cisco_local_subnet_1 config firewall address edit "cisco_local_subnet_1" set uuid 828176e0-400d-51e7-880c-2eed704b2793 set type ipmask set comment '' set visibility enable set associated-interface '' set color 0 set subnet nextend $ show full-configuration firewall address cisco_remote_subnet_1 config firewall address edit "cisco_remote_subnet_1" set uuid 8295e6e8-400d-51e7-334f-c26778b87cc5 set type ipmask set comment '' set visibility enable set associated-interface '' set color 0 set subnet nextend $ show full-configuration router static config router static edit 2 set dst set distance 10 set weight 0 set priority 0 set device "cisco" set comment "VPN: cisco (Created by VPN wizard)" set blackhole disable set dynamic-gateway disable set virtual-wan-link disable nextend
$ show system interface name namecisco static up disable tunnel ssl.firewall001 static up disable tunnel v410-outside static 173.192.36.x up disable vlan v863-inside static 173.192.75.x up disable vlan $ get vpn ike gateway name: ciscoversion: 1interface: v410-outside 22addr: 173.192.36.y:4500 -> 34.211.191.x:4500created: 1s agoIKE SA created: 1/1 established: 1/1 time: 150/150/150 msIPsec SA created: 1/1 id/spi: 54402 24bb8b6b348be7f0/698c605ca60cb804 direction: initiator status: established 1-0s ago = 150ms proposal: 3des-sha1 key: 5ec78c99665a2eb5-cb4d993a387e4d66-f8f4204b625871e6 lifetime/rekey: 86400/86099 DPD sent/recv: 00000000/00000000 Palo-Alto:====== Exiting configuration modeadmin@PA-VM> show config running config { mgt-config { users { admin { phash $1$whhpfefg$sqWvYGgEilFCqG/6pcIwY0; permissions { role-based { superuser yes; } } public-key } } } shared { application; application-group; service; service-group; botnet { configuration { http { dynamic-dns { enabled yes; threshold 5; } malware-sites { enabled yes; threshold 5; } recent-domains { enabled yes; threshold 5; } ip-domains { enabled yes; threshold 10; } executables-from-unknown-sites { enabled yes; threshold 5; } } other-applications { irc yes; } unknown-applications { unknown-tcp { destinations-per-hour 10; sessions-per-hour 10; session-length { maximum-bytes 100; minimum-bytes 50; } } unknown-udp { destinations-per-hour 10; sessions-per-hour 10; session-length { maximum-bytes 100; minimum-bytes 50; } } } } report { topn 100; scheduled yes; } } } devices { localhost.localdomain { network { interface { ethernet { ethernet1/1 { layer3 { ipv6 { neighbor-discovery { router-advertisement { enable no; } } } ndp-proxy { enabled no; } ip { 172.31.87.Y/20; } lldp { enable no; } interface-management-profile ping-ssh-https; } } ethernet1/2 { layer3 { ipv6 { neighbor-discovery { router-advertisement { enable no; } } } ndp-proxy { enabled no; } ip {; } lldp { enable no; } interface-management-profile ping-ssh-https; } } } tunnel { units { tunnel.1 { comment fortinet; ipv6 { enabled no; interface-id EUI-64; } } } } loopback { units { loopback.1 { adjust-tcp-mss { enable no; } ip {; } } } } } profiles { monitor-profile { default { interval 3; threshold 5; action wait-recover; } } interface-management-profile { ping-ssh-https { https yes; ssh yes; ping yes; } } } ike { crypto-profiles { ike-crypto-profiles { default { encryption 3des; hash sha1; dh-group group5; lifetime { hours 8; } } Suite-B-GCM-128 { encryption aes-128-cbc; hash sha256; dh-group group19; lifetime { hours 8; } } Suite-B-GCM-256 { encryption aes-256-cbc; hash sha384; dh-group group20; lifetime { hours 8; } } } ipsec-crypto-profiles { default { esp { encryption 3des; authentication sha1; } dh-group group5; lifetime { hours 1; } } Suite-B-GCM-128 { esp { encryption aes-128-gcm; authentication none; } dh-group group19; lifetime { hours 1; } } Suite-B-GCM-256 { esp { encryption aes-256-gcm; authentication none; } dh-group group20; lifetime { hours 1; } } } global-protect-app-crypto-profiles { default { encryption aes-128-cbc; authentication sha1; } } } gateway { Fortinet { authentication { pre-shared-key { key -AQ==UL/Mnp9OorxxbXCt9VkX8kMn64c=ot2WINmmjlwRtCEjzPSFDA==; } } protocol { ikev1 { dpd { enable yes; } } ikev2 { dpd { enable yes; } } } local-address { ip 172.31.87.Y/20; interface ethernet1/1; } protocol-common { nat-traversal { enable yes; } fragmentation { enable no; } passive-mode no; } peer-address { ip 173.192.36.Z; } local-id { id 172.31.87.Y; type ipaddr; } peer-id { id 173.192.36.X; type ipaddr; } } } } qos { profile { default { class { class1 { priority real-time; } class2 { priority high; } class3 { priority high; } class4 { priority medium; } class5 { priority medium; } class6 { priority low; } class7 { priority low; } class8 { priority low; } } } } } virtual-router { default { protocol { bgp { enable no; dampening-profile { default { cutoff 1.25; reuse 0.5; max-hold-time 900; decay-half-life-reachable 300; decay-half-life-unreachable 900; enable yes; } } routing-options { graceful-restart { enable yes; } } } rip { enable no; } ospf { enable no; } ospfv3 { enable no; } } interface [ ethernet1/1 ethernet1/2 loopback loopback.1 tunnel.1]; ecmp { algorithm { ip-modulo; } } routing-table { ip { static-route { STATIC-ROUTE { nexthop { ip-address; } bfd { profile None; } path-monitor { enable no; failure-condition any; hold-time 2; } interface ethernet1/1; metric 10; admin-dist 10; destination; route-table { unicast; } } fortinet { path-monitor { enable no; failure-condition any; hold-time 2; } bfd { profile None; } interface tunnel.1; metric 10; destination; route-table { unicast; } } } } } } } tunnel { ipsec { Fortinet-Fortigate { auto-key { ike-gateway { Fortinet; } proxy-id { Fortinet-Fortigate { protocol { any; } local; remote; } } } tunnel-monitor { enable no; } tunnel-interface tunnel.1; anti-replay no; } } } } deviceconfig { system { type { dhcp-client { send-hostname yes; send-client-id no; accept-dhcp-hostname no; accept-dhcp-domain no; } } update-server; update-schedule { threats { recurring { weekly { day-of-week wednesday; at 01:02; action download-only; } } } } timezone US/Pacific; service { disable-telnet yes; disable-http yes; } hostname PA-VM; dns-setting { servers; } } setting { config { rematch yes; } management { hostname-type-in-syslog FQDN; initcfg { type { dhcp-client { send-hostname yes; send-client-id no; accept-dhcp-hostname no; accept-dhcp-domain no; } } public-key } } } } vsys { vsys1 { application; application-group; zone { untrust { network { layer3 [ ethernet1/1 loopback.1 tunnel.1]; } } trust { network { layer3 ethernet1/2; } } } service; service-group; schedule; rulebase { security { rules { ubtrust-trust { to trust; from untrust; source any; destination any; source-user any; category any; application any; service application-default; hip-profiles any; action allow; } } } } import { network { interface [ ethernet1/1 ethernet1/2 loopback.1 tunnel.1]; } } } } } }} admin@PA-VM> show vpn gateway GwID Name Peer-Address/ID Local Address/ID Protocol Proposals ---- ---- --------------- ---------------- -------- --------- 9 Fortinet 173.192.36.X(ipaddr:173.192.3 172.31.87.Y(ipaddr:172.31.87 Auto(aggr) [PSK][DH5][3DES][SHA1]28800-sec logs:admin@PA-VM> tail follow yes mp-log ikemgr.log2017-06-09 02:14:06.952 -0700 [PERR]: { 9: }: mode config 6 from 173.192.36.X[4500], but auth method is PSK.2017-06-09 02:14:11.002 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: notification message 36136:R-U-THERE, doi=1 proto_id=1 spi=889301917a1453d9 4a3ea1f10d53a2aa (size=16).2017-06-09 02:14:14.953 -0700 [PERR]: { 9: }: mode config 6 from 173.192.36.X[4500], but auth method is PSK.2017-06-09 02:14:16.053 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: notification message 36136:R-U-THERE, doi=1 proto_id=1 spi=889301917a1453d9 4a3ea1f10d53a2aa (size=16).2017-06-09 02:14:21.103 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: notification message 36136:R-U-THERE, doi=1 proto_id=1 spi=889301917a1453d9 4a3ea1f10d53a2aa (size=16).2017-06-09 02:14:26.154 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: notification message 36136:R-U-THERE, doi=1 proto_id=1 spi=889301917a1453d9 4a3ea1f10d53a2aa (size=16).2017-06-09 02:14:30.954 -0700 [PERR]: { 9: }: mode config 6 from 173.192.36.X[4500], but auth method is PSK.2017-06-09 02:14:31.205 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: notification message 36136:R-U-THERE, doi=1 proto_id=1 spi=889301917a1453d9 4a3ea1f10d53a2aa (size=16).2017-06-09 02:14:36.255 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: notification message 36136:R-U-THERE, doi=1 proto_id=1 spi=889301917a1453d9 4a3ea1f10d53a2aa (size=16).2017-06-09 02:14:41.306 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: notification message 36136:R-U-THERE, doi=1 proto_id=1 spi=889301917a1453d9 4a3ea1f10d53a2aa (size=16).2017-06-09 02:14:46.356 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: notification message 36136:R-U-THERE, doi=1 proto_id=1 spi=889301917a1453d9 4a3ea1f10d53a2aa (size=16).2017-06-09 02:14:51.407 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: notification message 36136:R-U-THERE, doi=1 proto_id=1 spi=889301917a1453d9 4a3ea1f10d53a2aa (size=16).2017-06-09 02:14:56.457 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: notification message 36136:R-U-THERE, doi=1 proto_id=1 spi=889301917a1453d9 4a3ea1f10d53a2aa (size=16).2017-06-09 02:15:01.508 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: notification message 36136:R-U-THERE, doi=1 proto_id=1 spi=889301917a1453d9 4a3ea1f10d53a2aa (size=16).2017-06-09 02:15:02.958 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: IKE ISAKMP KEY_DELETE recvd: cookie:889301917a1453d9:4a3ea1f10d53a2aa.2017-06-09 02:15:03.959 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: ====> PHASE-1 NEGOTIATION STARTED AS RESPONDER, MAIN MODE <==== ====> Initiated SA: 172.31.87.Y[500]-173.192.36.X[500] cookie:e071c365a4bad487:b29ba8d398ce0521 <====2017-06-09 02:15:03.959 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: received Vendor ID: RFC 39472017-06-09 02:15:03.959 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-032017-06-09 02:15:03.959 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-022017-06-09 02:15:03.959 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02 2017-06-09 02:15:03.959 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-012017-06-09 02:15:03.959 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-002017-06-09 02:15:03.959 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: received Vendor ID: DPD2017-06-09 02:15:03.959 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: received Vendor ID: FRAGMENTATION2017-06-09 02:15:03.959 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: received Vendor ID: FRAGMENTATION2017-06-09 02:15:03.959 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: Selected NAT-T version: RFC 39472017-06-09 02:15:04.000 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: ====> PHASE-1 SA LIFETIME EXPIRED <==== ====> Expired SA: 172.31.87.Y[4500]-173.192.36.X[4500] cookie:889301917a1453d9:4a3ea1f10d53a2aa <====2017-06-09 02:15:04.000 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: ====> PHASE-1 SA DELETED <==== ====> Deleted SA: 172.31.87.Y[4500]-173.192.36.X[4500] cookie:889301917a1453d9:4a3ea1f10d53a2aa <====2017-06-09 02:15:04.012 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: Hashing 172.31.87.Y[500] with algo #2 2017-06-09 02:15:04.012 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: NAT-D payload #0 doesn't match2017-06-09 02:15:04.012 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: Hashing 173.192.36.X[500] with algo #2 2017-06-09 02:15:04.012 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: NAT-D payload #1 verified2017-06-09 02:15:04.012 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: NAT detected: ME 2017-06-09 02:15:04.012 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: Hashing 173.192.36.X[500] with algo #2 2017-06-09 02:15:04.012 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: Hashing 172.31.87.Y[500] with algo #2 2017-06-09 02:15:04.012 -0700 [INFO]: { 9: }: Adding remote and local NAT-D payloads.2017-06-09 02:15:04.065 -0700 [PNTF]: { 9: }: ====> PHASE-1 NEGOTIATION SUCCEEDED AS RESPONDER, MAIN MODE <==== ====> Established SA: 172.31.87.Y[4500]-173.192.36.X[4500] cookie:e071c365a4bad487:b29ba8d398ce0521
Lots of things seem different when just viewing quickly. Eg the Proxy-ID seems to be on FG side but has been specified smaller on PA side. Then PA has set local and remote ID, which are not present in FG. Why is NAT-T used at all if the connection is between two public IPv4 addresses? This seems unnecessary, although since Phase1 seems to work, it can be left so. In logs, mode config is mentioned which may mean that one side is waiting for some configuration as if it were a dial-up-type client VPN or something. But maybe it already works for you after that long time.
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