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OWA Agent 1.6 - not working after 6.2 upgrade

We had OWA Agent 1.6 working fine with Fortitoken Mobil and Fortitoken 200 HW on version 6.1.2-build 420


After upgrading to version 6.2 build 542 - the OWA Agent stopped working for all users.

The Logs or Debug Logs are not very informativ. 

2020-09-24 13:07:51,268 - REST API - information - Receiving HTTP POST request at "/api/v1/auth/" from "192.168.xx.xx": (API user=apiuser, username=xxxxx, token=573726)
2020-09-24 13:07:51,281 - REST API - warning - Invalid realm is replaced by 'myrealm'
2020-09-24 13:07:52,307 - REST API - warning - HTTP POST request from "192.168.xx.xx" failed for "/api/v1/auth/": User authentication failed (Response: HTTP 401, API user=apiuser, username=myrealm/xxxxx, token_code=573726)

I Have tried the same login with an API tester, without any problem.


I Created a new user and assigned a Fortitoken HW, then by magic it worked.  But I cant see any difference between the new user and all other remote users.


Any ideas here ? How to troubleshoot ?


Contributor III

Any luck getting this to work?  Testing it on Exchange 2019 on-prem and I get a page error when I enable the plugin.  API and hostnames are properly configured per the instructions.


We have 3 different Organization's in one Fortiauthenticator.  Mostly this works fine for authentications.

When using tha OWA Agent 1.6 there is not possible to specify a Realm to use.


In the Windows Agent this is possible.  Anyone knows how to enter a Realm in the OWA Agent.



It's working in the latest version,  6.2.1 build 552 


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