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Negotiate SA Error: probable pre-shared secret mismatch

hi everybody, i' ve got a problem with a vpn connection between 2 fortigate 100. The connection works but i' ve got the message " Negotiate SA Error: probable pre-shared secret mismatch" every 20 seconds. my vpn works but it sometimes fails and i have to reinitialize it. i read the vpn troubleshooting guide but i' have found no information. thanks to help me.
Valued Contributor

Is there any Forticlient-VPN-User trying to connect from the same IP as your other location (from within the location?)? This could bring up this error and confuse the Fortigate even if your tunnel is working!
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ok, you are alright, my file-over configuration was bad becouse i had enabled the " always activate connection" for the 2 connection. Thanks for your help

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