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NAT64 Setup Not working in FortOS 7.0.2 ?

I have followed the cookbook instructions to a T here:


I've done so via the GUI and the CLI but anytime I try to create a firewall policy to enable NAT64. Tried on both a Fortigate 40F and 80E and both always fail on the setup for configuring the NAT64:

FortiGate-80E # config firewall policy
FortiGate-80E (policy) # edit 3
new entry '3' added
FortiGate-80E (3) # set name "policy64-1"
FortiGate-80E (3) # set srcintf "port10"
FortiGate-80E (3) # set dstintf "port9"
FortiGate-80E (3) # set action accept
FortiGate-80E (3) # set nat64 enable
FortiGate-80E (3) # set srcaddr "all"
FortiGate-80E (3) # set dstaddr "all"
FortiGate-80E (3) # set srcaddr6 internal-net6
FortiGate-80E (3) # set dstaddr6 external-net4
entry not found in datasource
value parse error before 'external-net4'
Command fail. Return code -3
FortiGate-80E (3) # set schedule "always"
FortiGate-80E (3) # set service "ALL"
FortiGate-80E (3) # set ippool enable
FortiGate-80E (3) # set poolname "exit-pool4"
entry not found in datasource
value parse error before 'exit-pool4'
Command fail. Return code -3
FortiGate-80E (3) # next
dstaddr6 MUST be set.
object check operator error, -651, discard the setting
Command fail. Return code 1



I've factory reset both units just to rule out anything specific in my config, I've verified that the things that it's erroring out on exist in the config, specifically "external-net4" is an IPv4 firewall address, and "exit-pool4" is a firewall ippool.


Does anyone have issues on 7.0.2 with configuring this? Not sure if I should downgrade or if I'm really missing something here?




The document seems to be incorrect, we are modifying it, we can modify the configuration of NAT64 in this way:


config firewall vip6 edit "vip6" set extip 64:ff9b::-64:ff9b::ffff:ffff set nat66 disable set nat64 enable set embedded-ipv4-address enable next end

config firewall policy edit 2 set name "nat64" set srcintf "VLAN120" set dstintf "VLAN130" set action accept set nat64 enable set srcaddr "all" set dstaddr "all" set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "vip6"   // set dst  set schedule "always" set service "ALL" set logtraffic all set logtraffic-start enable set ippool enable set poolname "exit-pool4" next end




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