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MFA for SSL VPN - Cloud Subscription o FortiTokens



we are now thinking for a customer to switch to MFA FortiToken Cloud Subscription but we have some issues which sofar we didnt get any answers.


Sofar we always used FortiTokens for customers, always worked, never a problem. Authentication with FortiToken APP and never failed.


Now for a new bigger customer we got the option for the Cloud Subscription. Costs are higher but there are advantages like using the same token for the same user who wants to connect to FG-1 or FG-2 (Users are comming from LDAP connection).


One thing I am not sure is what authentication methods we would have, like is it always just by the FortiToken APP or do we have more options with the Cloud Subscription?




I guess you are comparing FortiToken cloud with FortiTokens used directly in a FGT. This is more similar when tokens are used in a FortiAuthenticator as a centralized way for managing tokens and users (LDAP).

More information can be found in the FAQs section, SMS quota (to send tokens) are also included in the license. More information can also be found in the Foritnet video library.

- Emirjon
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