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Log Settings page broken after upgrading from 5.4.10 to 5.6.8

Hi, Im having a strange problem after upgrading from 5.4.10 to 5.6.8. Currently tested on couple 60Es and 200Es. After upgrading to 5.6.8, when I go to Log Settings page the following things are broken:


1. Local Log - Memory button/option is missing

2. Forticloud graph is not populating 3. GUI Preferences - Display Logs From dropdown list is not being populated and says "Selected log location is currently disabled."


I know for sure that this must be caused by something missing or present in our productive configuration because on newly deployed 5.6.8 or after factory reset this problem does not occur. It only happens when I upgrade one of our productive firewalls from 5.4.10 to 5.6.8. Whatever it is it seems to be present on 100+ of our firewalls, so configuring the firewalls from scratch on fresh 5.6.8 install doesn't seem to be an option. It's not the first time I've run into GUI errors after upgrade, usually it was a line missing in CLI on which the specifig GUI page was relying. Unfortunately this time I cannot figure this out myself.


Valued Contributor


I do not know the GUI graph problem but memory is missing when you have security fabric enabled (Security Fabric -> Settings -> FortiGate Telemetry) and Group name filled.

At least it is the situation on 6.0.4 version.


Also check:

config log memory setting set status disable end


But I think logging to memory is not a good idea.




The problem is not caused by telemetry. I have it disabled. Also I am aware that logging to Memory is not a good idea, but I would like to have this option visible in the GUI and also be able to choose where the logs are being displayed from. I think these 2 are connected (Memory option missing and the display log location broken).




This turned out to be a browser issue. Probably some addons in Firefox were causing this strange behavior. I feel ashamed now:)


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