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Installing FortiGate-VM on Xen

If, like me, you use the Xen hypervisor without all the fancy management tools or with Citrix XenServer may be interested in what step are necessary to get Fortigate-VM setup. This is on a Debian Stretch base with Xen 4.8.5.


1. download the OpenXen version:


2. unzip the file



then check the size of what the image is expecting in terms of disk space:

  #qemu-img info -f qcow2 fortios.qcow2


image: fortios.qcow2

file format: qcow2

virtual size: 2.0G (2147483648 bytes)

disk size: 60M

cluster_size: 65536

Format specific information:

    compat: 1.1

    lazy refcounts: false

    refcount bits: 16

    corrupt: false


3. Make LV for the boot image:

  #lvcreate --name=ahds-fw1-boot --size=2147483648B lbx1vg1


4. qemu convert the qcow file and direct to the LV:

  #qemu-img convert -f qcow2 fortios.qcow2 /dev/lbx1vg1/ahds-fw1-boot -p


5. make a secondary logs LV:

  #lvcreate --name=ahds-fw1-data1 --size=32GB lbx1vg1


6. here is the xen.cfg file should contain:

 (this is for a Fortigate-VM 6.4 VM00 Eval)



builder = "hvm"
device_model_version = "qemu-xen"

vcpus = '1'
memory = '2048'
pool = 'Pool-CPU2'


disk = [

# Networking
vif = [

vfb = [ "type=vnc,vncdisplay=3,vncpasswd=secret,keymap=en-us" ]

# Behaviour
on_poweroff = 'destroy'
on_reboot = 'restart'
on_crash = 'restart'


make sure you have DHCP server setup on the same VLAN as the first interface will be attached to.


Hope someone finds this useful. I'm sure there are some other tweaks. I would like at some point to get SR-IOV configured, but for my purposes, I'm happy with the result.



Thanks, saved it to try later.

Yuri Slobodyanyuk
Yuri Slobodyanyuk
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