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Import a blacklist

What is the easiest way to import a blacklist from a simple text file. Thanks, RushB

It depends on the meaning of ' easiest' : import bulk CLI commands (System->Maintenance->Advanced menu) is a nice and powerful tool if you feel yourself comfortable with CLI.. Could you post what' s exactly you need to solve (list type, firmware version, etc)?


/ Abel

regards / Abel
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I' m running Fortigate-300 3.00-b0559(MR5) I don' t want to cut off gaming in the url filter, because it will catch educational games as well. So I want to take the gaming category list from: And bulk import the list into my url filter. Any guidance on how to do this easily would be appreciated. Thanks, RushB

A starting point: the structure of WF urlfilter list is something like:
 config webfilter urlfilter
     edit 1
             config entries
                 edit " URL1" 
                     set action block
                     set status enable
                     set type simple
                 edit " URL2" 
                     set action block
                     set status enable
                     set type simple
         set name " gaming" 
You' ll need a script (perl, ruby, shell, python, whatever) able to parse your downloaded blacklist and replace each $URLx variable with one url from that blacklist. After finished the loop, the script output to a plain text file. You' ll can import it as Bulk CLI commands (menu System->Maintenance->Backup&Restore->Advanced ' s lists are long, consider that when you choose your lists to import. Each FTG-model has a limit of entries for lists; check it against this KC' s article: hope it helps,


/ Abel

regards / Abel
Not applicable

Has anyone done this yet? I hate to reinvent the wheel. This really should be a feature in the software, the ability to import a file of url' s into anything in the system No way to import list of spammers, exempt urls, block urls, bad words - come on, this should be something simple to code where we just send up a file in the right format and it gets added in. Anyone from Fortinet got an answer? Later, RushB
New Contributor III

The correct format is CLI format as per Abel' s message. and the upload utility is via the bulk upload on the maintenance page. Providied you can create the correct CLI format you can ndo whatever you like.
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