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IPv6 DHCP on wan1 interface not working? How to fix this?



I have an ISP that has a rd6 /60, but when I look at the router advertisements I see it announces a prefix /64.


All my client machines, MAC, Windows and Linux all work perfectly fine with the IPv6 addresses within that prefix and have 2 IP addresses (temporary and regular).


My goal would have been:


1) WAN1 interface should accept the router advertisement and assign itself (SLAAC) an IPv6 address.


I cannot get this to work.


I tried to use mode dhcp and used also some other settings, but it never accepted an IPv6 with that prefix. Rebooting after the changes also did not work.


If I manually assign an IPv6 address and route, IPv6 works fine. 


What am I doing wrong?



2) I should be able to allow other ports to use the same IPv6 prefix, but going through Fortigate.


The option I saw is someting like a ND proxy?

What other options are there?





Esteemed Contributor III

Have you looked at IPV6-Delegation?


Ken Felix




PCNSE NSE StrongSwan

Hi Ken,


emnoc wrote:

Have you looked at IPV6-Delegation?



Yes, but I stopped short after reading:


Downstream IPv6 interfaces can receive address assignments on delegated subnets from a DHCP server that serves an upstream interface.


1) My first problem is that I would like to have the WAN1 pick up the IPv6 provided by the RA.


2) My ISP does use SLAAC (RA) and no DHCPv6


 Yes, I have had enabled the setting:

set dhcp6-prefix-delegation enable



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