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IPsec and Webssl FortiGate behind FortiExtender



First thank for your help.

For information i have create a case with the support to solv this problem. I will update this topic if i have news.


So i have 2 site :
-X: have a FortiExtender 4G LTE connection, FortiGate -> LAN
-Y: have Router ISP fiber, FortiGate -> LAN


Firstly at "X" i want to configure SSLVPN Webmode to manage FortiGate from Internet. So i configure FortiDDNS because i haven't fixed IP with 4G LTE connection.
Generally for example with a profesionnal router ISP you can simply access to "" but you can't with standard public router. You have to configure Bridge, DMZ or do an ACL to allow all the traffic to the FortiGate. So maybe i have to configure the same thing on the FortiExtender ? I really don't know because "X" LAN can access to the webpage interface but we can't from Internet.


Secondly i want to configure an IPsec VPN between "X" and "Y". Here i configure the tunnel with "Dynamic DNS" on "Y" to communicate with "X".
But the tunnel don't work and i don't understand why but i think my 2 problems have one thing in common.


hixeNCapture d’écran 2022-10-25 093254.jpg


Hello hixeN,


Thank you for getting in touch with us about your WebSSL issue. I'm going to ask for a solution and reply to this thread with an update as soon as possible.



Stephen - Fortinet Community Team

Hi hixeN,


It sounds like you have a ticket in progress with our Technical Assistance Center for this issue. The technical support engineers I've spoken to will help you out there.


Let me know if you need any more assistance!



Stephen - Fortinet Community Team

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