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I want to set up time limits

Hi trying to think of away of setting up time limits for users to access a low bandwidth Internet Eg 30min slots for a limits amount of users give a fair use access. I've only got a firewall to work with with latest firmware Any idea is a good idea


OK, user will time out after 30 min slot, but he will re-authenticate again to get another 30min slot. So what's the point ?

How would you like to prevent above mentioned situation ?

Fair use .. what about bigger connection, or traffic shaping, or guest account management and time limited access tokens ..  rather than some generic time slots ?


Best regards,


Tomas Stribrny - NASDAQ:FTNT - Fortinet Inc. - TAC Staff Engineer
AAA, MFA, VoIP and other Fortinet stuff



Just to confirm, when you say users are you referring to random public users, guest users requiring a login, or internal known users?


You are able to setup webfiltering quotas for all categories so that everyone has 30mins access within a 24hour time period (or you could do it by data).



Cookbook on setting this up here: 


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