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How to find out the FortiAP firmware from CLI?

How to find out the FortiAP firmware from CLI? I am testing the MR3 Beta on my FortiGate and can not connect to the FortiAP. Does anyone know how I can check the firmware on my FortiAP from the CLI to ensure I am using the correct image supported by MR3?
New Contributor

Documentation Sucks !!!!
Wesside-KTM 60D-110c-WiFi80cm-300-300a-200a-WiFi60-60-50b-fl400
Wesside-KTM 60D-110c-WiFi80cm-300-300a-200a-WiFi60-60-50b-fl400

ORIGINAL: Documentation Sucks !!!!
Thanks for your solid and constructive contribution

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Rackmount your Fortinet -->
New Contributor III

if the FortiAP is in the same broadcast domain, you should see the FortiAP on the Fortigate. Once connected you can easily upgrade the FortiAP firmware then.

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Rackmount your Fortinet -->
New Contributor

Eric he is asking to get the version from cli, not from the gui. Percival the answer in cli is... fap-get-status also fyi SolarWind TFTP will not work for cli flash. Eric as a trainer can you please help us out and provide the complete CLI ref for the fortiAP OS. I see it is linux and not forti OS the commands seem to be a little dif this could help a few people out. My documentation sucks comment is partially from the face fortinet is real big in cli and not much done in gui. This FAP is largely managed in gui and not cli. This is not in step with forti practice, seemed odd there is just not a full cli ref floating around somewhere. I dont want to come off wrong to you i have read a few of your posts your very helpful on here. <<Wesside reaches out for a hand shake>>
Wesside-KTM 60D-110c-WiFi80cm-300-300a-200a-WiFi60-60-50b-fl400
Wesside-KTM 60D-110c-WiFi80cm-300-300a-200a-WiFi60-60-50b-fl400
New Contributor

pretty old, but as i just came across the same question (and actually slightly need to agree with wmiller that the documentation is not thaaaat good) i thought it can possibly help further seekers. command would be:

diag wireless-controller wlac -c wtp | grep "active sw ver"
active sw ver : FP231F-v7.2-build0409


(of course, it will only show the main branch version and the build - so still you would need to check that one out your own xD -> - which is, of course, not up to date at any time.. and brings us back to good old wmiller's statement.)

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