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New Contributor III

How do you lock FortiClient??

I've setup forticlient on a few machines and connected them to the router (FortiGate) but it wont allow me to lock the settings (in the bottom left theres a padlock - see attachment).


We want to lock the settings as the users could simply disconnect and it doesn't show up users data as easy as it does when they connected shows names, etc.

Valued Contributor

FOS Version? Beginning with 5.4 release, you're no longer able to configure some FC settings on the Fortigate. You have to use EMS instead.

--- NSE 4 ---

________________________________________________________--- NSE 4 ---________________________________________________________
New Contributor III

mgrosni wrote:

FOS Version? Beginning with 5.4 release, you're no longer able to configure some FC settings on the Fortigate. You have to use EMS instead.

Thanks, the firmware version is 5.6.3 so i guess this may be why, im not trying to do it on the Fortigate router itself its the FortiClient on the end users PC.


I was sure i manged to click the padlock in forticlient when i first setup but now can't.

Valued Contributor

Never tried not managed FC. But as I know, you can export the config, change settings to lock the configuration and then import the changed xml. Maybe this could be helpful


--- NSE 4 ---

________________________________________________________--- NSE 4 ---________________________________________________________
New Contributor III

mgrosni wrote:

Never tried not managed FC. But as I know, you can export the config, change settings to lock the configuration and then import the changed xml. Maybe this could be helpful


ok thanks for your help, will have a read 


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