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Contributor II

Free Forticlient VPN 7.4 drops connections on windows 11 leaving OSI layer broken

When using Teams and sharing my screens all kinds of updates try to occur. ( high bandwidtrh the VPN just drops ) it seems to always want to check for updates. and then with in minutes I'm disconnected, the vpn drops and destroys my ability to use the network at all. I am forced to reboot. Why we use this I do not know.


Here is a small sample of the debug level logging.


3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update get_soft_invent(), soft_invent item: 0 1^Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise Edition#x64#en-US^Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 6.0.36 (x64)#48.144.23186#Microsoft Corporation
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update get_soft_invent(), soft_invent item: 0 1^Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise Edition#x64#en-US^Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 6.0.36 (x64)# Corporation
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update get_soft_invent(), soft_invent item: 0 1^Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise Edition#x64#en-US^Nmap 7.95#7.95#Nmap Project
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update get_soft_invent(), soft_invent item: 0 1^Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise Edition#x64#en-US^Notepad++ (64-bit x64)#8.7#Notepad++ Team
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update get_soft_invent(), soft_invent item: 0 1^Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise Edition#x64#en-US^Office 16 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component#16.0.18526.20144#Microsoft Corporation
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update get_soft_invent(), soft_invent item: 0 1^Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise Edition#x64#en-US^Office 16 Click-to-Run Licensing Component#16.0.18526.20144#Microsoft Corporation
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update get_soft_invent(), soft_invent item: 0 1^Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise Edition#x64#en-US^Open-Shell#4.4.191#The Open-Shell Team
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update get_soft_invent(), soft_invent item: 0 1^Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise Edition#x64#en-US^Privilege Management for Windows (x64) Corporation
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update get_soft_invent(), soft_invent item: 0 1^Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise Edition#x64#en-US^Rapid7 Insight Agent#, Inc.



3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update get_update_objs(), no need to upload softinvent at this moment
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update update process received object(1 of 2): FCPR
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update update process received object(2 of 2): FDNI
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update update done
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update update thread exit
3/12/2025 11:13:52 AM debug update No update is available.
3/12/2025 11:14:02 AM debug system FortiTrayApp : FortiTray started, TaskbarCreated message=49241
3/12/2025 11:14:03 AM debug system FortiTrayApp : Failed to create FCE/FCAMFE tray icon!
3/12/2025 11:14:07 AM debug system (repeated 5 times in last 5 sec) FortiTrayApp : Failed to create FCE/FCAMFE tray icon!
3/12/2025 11:14:09 AM debug system FortiTrayApp : Tray icon is destroyed
3/12/2025 11:14:09 AM debug system FortiTrayApp : Tray icon is created!
3/12/2025 11:21:52 AM warning sslvpn CSslvpnAgent::InitPipeHandle() 137 CreateFile() failed.. LastError=231
3/12/2025 11:21:52 AM warning sslvpn Server is busy. Waiting...


When it drops it corrupts the OSI layer and I have to reboot the machine. it leaves the computer un-connectable.

Do I have any options for any support from Fortinet?


Thanks in advance



Karl Henning, Security Engineer, CISSP
Karl Henning, Security Engineer, CISSP
New Contributor II

We are encountering this issue too.

New Contributor

Any updates?
we have this issue too


Contributor II

Thank  MZBZ, 

1) No need for a software inventory. We just need it to stay connected. 

2) Why does it check three times in one day?  it says no response. I don't need it do anything accept stay connected to the endpoint gateway. 


What is it updating and why?

What is



3/12/2025 9:00:35 AM info system date=2025-03-12 time=09:00:05 logver=1 id=96813 type=systemevent subtype=system eventtype=status level=info uid=02900D76762F45DDA732A257A1BBEF3E devid=FCT8003087734254 hostname=USLT-L00082 pcdomain=N/A deviceip= devicemac=00-e0-4c-ee-53-77 site=N/A fctver= fgtserial=FCT8003087734254 emsserial=N/A os="Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise Edition, 64-bit (build 22631)" user=user@AzureAD msg="Software updates are disabled"
3/12/2025 9:00:35 AM debug update Update task is called with dwSession=-2
3/12/2025 9:00:35 AM debug update
3/12/2025 9:00:35 AM debug update start_update_thread() called
3/12/2025 9:00:35 AM debug update Impersonated=0
3/12/2025 9:00:35 AM debug update update started...
3/12/2025 9:00:35 AM debug update update done
3/12/2025 9:00:35 AM debug update update thread exit

3/12/2025 9:00:35 AM debug update Network connection problem.


below are sslvpn errors.

3/12/2025 9:30:50 AM error sslvpn error: poll_recv_ssl -> SSL_get_error(): 5
3/12/2025 9:30:50 AM error sslvpn error: poll_recv_ssl -> WSAGetLastError():0
3/12/2025 9:30:52 AM info system date=2025-03-12 time=09:30:51 logver=1 id=96900 type=traffic subtype=system eventtype=traffic level=info uid=02900D76762F45DDA732A257A1BBEF3E devid=FCT8003087734254 hostname=USLT-L00082 pcdomain=N/A deviceip= devicemac=00-09-0f-aa-00-01 site=N/A fctver= fgtserial=FCT8003087734254 emsserial=N/A os="Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise Edition, 64-bit (build 22631)" user=user@AzureAD msg="Traffic log" sessionid=2992641708 srcname=sslvpn srcip= srcport=0 direction=outbound dstip=IP ADDRESS IS PRIVATE  dstport=10443 proto=6 rcvdbyte=51964319 sentbyte=13890467 utmaction=passthrough utmevent=vpn threat=disconnect userinitiated=0


Is  Fortinet saying ,,, here are the logs set it to debug and good luck?




Karl Henning, Security Engineer, CISSP
Karl Henning, Security Engineer, CISSP
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