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New Contributor III

Forticlient connection profiles path location

We have an issue at our org where some machines have the "free" FortiClient VPN installed on their machine with existing connection profiles to random sites. The issue is that we are pushing FortiClient Zero Trust and during the install process, it removes the free version along with their VPN profiles. Is there a way to find a "backup" stored in the local machine somewhere by default or no? Is there also a way to stop this behavior when the new client gets installed? I doubt there is but I thought I would ask. Thanks.


I know you can add custom connection profiles when the Zero Trust version is installed but that doesn't solve my current problem.


I don't have a FCT free client installed to check if backup option is present, it should be under Settings> System [Restore a configuration], you can try a backup and restore after installation. If the free version doesn't offer that option than pushing profiles from EMS will be the only way.

- Emirjon
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