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FortiWifi not allowing an additional third party wifi access point to work?

Hi all,

I'm having some problems with a new (Netgear WAC120) wireless access point (WAP) on my network where a FortiWifi 60D is the default gateway. I've added the WAP to provide wifi coverage on another floor in the building.


Devices connected to the new wifi cannot use any internet functionality (no web browsing, email etc) although they can access internal services such as our Remote desktop server, printers etc.


From a network configuration standpoint everything seems ok on the client systems, they receive DHCP assigned IP address and are able to resolve DNS (our DNS server is on the network) and can ping all other devices on the network EXCEPT the FortiWifi60D.


I have connected both a PCs and Macs laptop to the same network port where they work fine and have moved the WAP to another port with exactly the same results - no internet functionality. I initially suspect the WAP, but having found myself able to run all internal services normally and be able to ping all internal services EXCEPT the FortifWifi when connected to the WAP (which I can ping when connected to the network via the same ethernet cable or on the FortiWifi's own wifi network), I am now wondering if something in the FortiWifi device's setup is blocking a two hop connection to it, two hops being the connection going from the Fortiwifi, to the switch to the WAP to the connected device.


This issue exists on Macs, PCs and mobile devices, both iOS and Android.


Thanks for your help all...


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