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[FortiOS 6.4.2] icmp any any



I have some Fortigate 200E in my lab for testing.

Instead of putting several lines of policy, I use "set srcintf any" and "dstintf any" to configure the icmp policy.

As a result, only one line is enough.


In GUI, ANY didn't appear in incoming/outgoing interface, so I did it using CLI.

But after that, the "INTERFACE PAIR VIEW" was unavailable.


I'd like to know:

- is it a best practice using ANY instead of selecting a particular interface?

- ANY does appear in another Fortigate with the same firmware and model, why it didn't in this one?

- is it a normal behavior that INTERFACE PAIR VIEW becomes grayed? I found this VIEW helpful sometimes.


Thank you for your reply.



Valued Contributor

fat wrote:

I'd like to know:

- is it a best practice using ANY instead of selecting a particular interface?

- ANY does appear in another Fortigate with the same firmware and model, why it didn't in this one?

- is it a normal behavior that INTERFACE PAIR VIEW becomes grayed? I found this VIEW helpful sometimes.

  • I would not say that that is a best practice, no.  In my opinion it is far more confusing BECAUSE it causes the behavior you are also unhappy with (you lose interface pair view).
  • In the other FortiGate you have probably enabled Multiple Interface Policies under System -> Feature Visibility See also: 
  • Yes, this is a direct consequence of using multiple interfaces (or any) as a source or destination in a single policy.  What you save in multiple policies you lose in ease of looking at interface pairs.  I guess it depends on your use case, but I am currently happier to duplicate policies than to lose interface pair view.[/ul]
  • fat

    Hi Lobstercreed,


    Thank you very much for your clear explaination.

    I'm agree with you to keep the "interface pair view" for more visibility of policy.


    Best Regards.

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