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FortiCloud Asset Management API Integration

I have an application use case where we want to fetch All products and details of each product via API.


I've looked around for the API documentation for FortiCloud Asset Management (which has URL


Here is more information on my findings:

  • Found API requests for products and product details endpoints from the chrome dev tools network tab.
  • Uses the token for API authentication, and has SSO SAML authentication.

How can I get the Authentication token for Asset Management using username and password?

Not applicable

Hello @SarvahaDev , 


Thank you for using the Community Forum. I will seek to get you an answer or help. We will reply to this thread with an update as soon as possible. 



   Fortinet Community Team 


Hey SarvahaDev,

there may be some documentation/assistance regarding FortiCloud API in the Fortinet Developer network (, but there isn't really any documentation available outside of it.

If you don't have access already, you need sponsors to access the developer network; you can reach out to your Fortinet Sales partner regarding this.

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