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FortiClient ipsec.exe

Hello, I am currently working on realising the following scenario: By executing a script/program the following should be done (things in brackets are already accomplished): (- enable forticlient virtual adapter) (- establish a vpn connection silently) - run a program (rdp-conn) - if vpn tunnel breaks re-establish the tunnel - act on error conditions (- if the program exits kill the vpn connection) (- disable forticlient virtual adapter) Enabling / Disabling the adapter is no problem (so the user does not always see the " cable unplugged" balloon message). Establishing a connection is also OK (although i would prefer this in a " silent mode" , e.g. no pop up window). Do you have any suggestions on how to accomplish the following: - check if the vpn tunnel has been established correctly (i use the ipsec.exe -b -k switches). I know I could ping the target server by script but this takes way to long as the user is waiting for the program to start. I' d prefer direct return values (exit codes) from ipsec.exe - re-establish the vpn tunnel if it gets broken - get errors from ipsec.exe (e.g. smartcard missing, host not responding, etc.) Is there any help file including all parameters for ipsec.exe? Thanks in advance! Christian
New Contributor II

Maybe you can use this trick. ipsec.exe diag tunnel If there is a live tunnel, it will dump the parameters. If no tunnel available, dump nothing. You can check the dump every couple of seconds.
New Contributor

Thank you. Is there any further help to the ipsec.exe tool available? (command line switches, return codes and so on)
New Contributor II

As the command line switch method is not officially supported, there is no document about that. Can only get the secrets from the development team.
New Contributor

Sorry for the late answer (13 years!...)



@echo off

cd "c:\Program Files\Fortinet\FortiClient"

:repeat echo Launching FortiClient IPSEC.... ipsec -b -k switches if %errorlevel% gtr 0 goto error

:CheckConnection ping -n 1 hostname  if %errorlevel% gtr 0 goto CheckConnection

echo Connected! echo Launching hostname RDP... start mstsc xxxxxx.RDP exit :error echo Error! %errorlevel Trying again... goto repeat



You can use also -w timeout to let the single ping enough time to accomplish.

Contributor II

mister2x wrote:
(- if the program exits kill the vpn connection) (- disable forticlient virtual adapter)
If program exist you can use tasklist.exe

Taskkill.exe to kill

Fortigate <3

Fortigate <3

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