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FWF-50E Known broken but still selling them!!!

FWF-50E Hard Lock if you use the WiFi!! They know it and still shipped it!


Ok.. I found out why all 3 FWF-50E they have sent me hard lock and why some of you have no issue with FG-50e. It's because the WiFi in the unit. If you had the WiFi unit and used the WiFi your unit would hard lock also. Why? Because it's a known defect with the power management on the WiFi and affects ALL FWF-50E's and they think FWF-30E's....

THEY KNEW about it and still sold the device!!! Then spent a month of my time collecting logs and goofing around only to tell me.. oh it's a known issue and they think it'll be fixed in 5.4.1 sometime next month or two!!


ARE YOU FREEKING KIDDING ME! Do you truly expect me to believe QA just missed the fact that the WiFi edition of this device HARD LOCKS if infarct you actually use said WiFi?! How do you miss that!! HOW! Or... they knew it and said screw it ship it and we'll fix it later!


Then I spent a month goofing around with support only to have level 3 tell me it's a known issue! He also wanted to collect more logs that nigh as if they didn't waste enough of my time. What's truly amazing is I only discovered this because I took the unit home for training and found it crashed every night. Hard lock up, not even serial cable access. So I would rip apart my home network every nigh after work to make it crash and get them logs or something. They also RMA'd the unit 2 times.

I was supposed to take this unit and install it in Gary Indianan, which is 5 hours 1 way! Can you imagine the fun I would have had with this thing crashing remotely and taking down the office like this?! How much more fun that month of troubleshooting would have been taking production down instead of my kids watching Youtube at home!


Sorry for the RANT and grammar/spelling mistakes.. but I'm so mad I just wanted to vent somewhere and warn any other users so they don't spend all this time goofing around with support like I did on a known broken product.




300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track.

Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing.


FAC-VM 2 node cluster

Friends don't let friends FWF!

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track. Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing. FAZ-200D FAC-VM 2 node cluster Friends don't let friends FWF!
Esteemed Contributor III

So if it's a known issues,  what's the bug reference number?


( general comments )


Also how do you think they will "not ship" a unit? they have these in the delivery pipeline so it isn't like FTNT have a recall button or self-destruct sequence.


Also you have to be very brave to put 1> a brand new model into a production environment  & 2> on the 1st and only revision but I'm glad it was you and not me ;)  Stick with  a prove hardware that has a reputation is never a bad thing.


FWIW; My FWF50E has been delayed in shipping and I'm guess that 's a good thing. I might just cancel the order the more and more I think about it.


I do feel your pain  & agreed in that Quality is really dropping in  FTNT lineups & it's not just the  fortigate.






PCNSE NSE StrongSwan

bug ref.. I don't know? They never told me. I'll ask in the ticket.


You miss the point. One of two things happened

1. QA is doing nothing.. how on earth could they miss this? Connect WiFi devices to unit, unit hard locks.. ether they didn't test it at all or...

2. They know about it, signed off on the unit, and it proceeded to production and availability.  


They would have ether had to know about this before they put these units in the delivery pipeline in the first place. They had to know about this during the product DESIGN phase!

This is not some kind of edge case where you need 2-3 variables to come together. This is core, basic function of the WIFI enable FortiGate... not locking up when something connects to WiFi? Get it?


They let this thing go into production knowing the WiFi is totally screwed, didn't tell support about the issue, and didn't feel like getting around to fixing it till 5.4.1 rolls out! 



300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track.

Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing.


FAC-VM 2 node cluster

Friends don't let friends FWF!

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track. Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing. FAZ-200D FAC-VM 2 node cluster Friends don't let friends FWF!

Tried the 2nd beta firmware from engineering tonight.. still busted. After about 2-3 hours the unit stops passing traffic and pinging the unit ether times out or is 6-800ms. 

I asked for the bug number again.. we'll see if they give it to me.. so far they have not but did confirm 30+ other users are reporting this issue.


Truly sad Fortinet is selling this product and after all the time I've had this ticket open with them they still can't fix it... and still sell it! My god.. really? 


PS anyone from Fortinet customer relations feel like contacting me some quality feedback on your product? Just PM me, I'd love to give my feedback.

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track.

Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing.


FAC-VM 2 node cluster

Friends don't let friends FWF!

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track. Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing. FAZ-200D FAC-VM 2 node cluster Friends don't let friends FWF!

For those wondering:


The Mantis is #365674 

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track.

Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing.


FAC-VM 2 node cluster

Friends don't let friends FWF!

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track. Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing. FAZ-200D FAC-VM 2 node cluster Friends don't let friends FWF!

Support still can't get the WiFi working on the thing without locking up. Amazing.. will they ever be able to fix this? I see they are still selling them.. knowing the WiFi will not work.. 

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track.

Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing.


FAC-VM 2 node cluster

Friends don't let friends FWF!

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track. Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing. FAZ-200D FAC-VM 2 node cluster Friends don't let friends FWF!

FYI.. Support confirms FWF-30E is also affected.. don't plan on using the WiFi on this thing ether.

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track.

Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing.


FAC-VM 2 node cluster

Friends don't let friends FWF!

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track. Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing. FAZ-200D FAC-VM 2 node cluster Friends don't let friends FWF!

Just to add a different view, got the 51e running and an amazed by the little thing. 60Mbs internet link providing wifi for 350 staff (personal use perk so they don't burn phone data allowance) and its holding up with the hammering without a hitch. Full AV / web filtering / app control, and cpu only at 20% max. Feel your pain on the wifi, but the rest of the unit is sound. Why don't you see if fortinet can recompense you with a non wifi unit and an AP if they can't fix otherwise :)

I agree James. In testing the little unit preformed well even with full SSL inspection. 


I also thought would be doing a customer right to offer me a FG-50E and a AP unit to compensate for their total screw-up.. Basically my sales rep said Fortinet Corp would tell me to get bent... 

He had a great deal to offer me on a FWF-60D.. I'd get about $10 off what I normally pay and I get to pay full price for the support contract! THANKS BRO!


Great product.. great support.. great customer care followup.. 3 for 3 guys.. good job.


If anyone from Fortinet ever reads this forum.. I believe a proper resolution would be a FW-50E and a access point with 3 year support for the SAME price as a FWF-50E.

Or a FWF-60D and 3 year support for the SAME price as the FWF-50E you can't seem to get working.

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track.

Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing.


FAC-VM 2 node cluster

Friends don't let friends FWF!

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track. Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing. FAZ-200D FAC-VM 2 node cluster Friends don't let friends FWF!
New Contributor

Hi bartman10,


i have spoken with a guy from fortinet concerning your case yesterday - just a brief question - did they offer you the interim-build 1040 - this one should fix the problem ...



300C x1, 200E x4, 240D x2, 200D x4, 101E x2, 100E x4, 100D x12, 80C x2, 70D x2, 61E x2, 60E x2, 60D x30, 60C x24, 60B x9, 50E x20, 50B x17, 40C x17, 30E x3

FortiMail VMs

FortiAnalyzer VMs

FortiSandbox (testrun)

- 300C x1, 200E x4, 240D x2, 200D x4, 101E x2, 100E x4, 100D x12, 80C x2, 70D x2, 61E x2, 60E x2, 60D x30, 60C x24, 60B x9, 50E x20, 50B x17, 40C x17, 30E x3 FortiMail VMs FortiAnalyzer VMs FortiSandbox (testrun)

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