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Detecting attempted intrustions

My gear: 

Fortigate 300D: 5.6.0

FortiAnalyzer 200D: 5.6.0


I’ve got IPS profiles on all Fortigate policies. I’ve been running Metasploit (Penetration Test software) against my Fortigate. When running it from my internal network, many IPS events are triggered, and my FortiAnalyzer manages the events. When I run metasploit from outside the network on a public IP address… nothing.

I need to know there is an attack in progress. How do I configure IPS so I can get notified? Do I need to configure something else?

Valued Contributor

you have IPS enabled on your inbound policies (and they are configured the same as the ones that are properly alerting?) Is the policy set to log properly?

Mike Pruett Fortinet GURU | Fortinet Training Videos
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