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Contributor III

DLP Watermark

Does anyone use it?  Seems cumbersome to manage. Any other products to suggest?

Contributor III

I'll take the flood of responses as a no.


I am starting to look into this now.. Have you done any testing ? 


No.  Seemed too kludgy which is unfortunate as the concept is great.  They need an app almost like FSSO which runs on a file server (Windows or Linux) and generates hashes for documents based on keywords/file type criteria.  Then if one of those files attempts to pass a filter it is logged, blocked, etc.  I think would be a differentiator for Fortinet.  The linux based CLI just had bad news written all over it.


Perhaps my perception is ill informed.  Would love feedback based on what you find.  Protecting IP and logging document transit is one of our primary responsibilities.


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