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DDNS updates on (failover) WAN

I have two wan(s) configures for failover, my WAN1 is the primary connection my WAN2 is the secondary connection. When WAN1 fails ( interconnection is lost ) WAN2 gets active. As soon as WAN1 is online again it takes over WAN2.


This works great, but I want to update also the DYNDNS. So if WAN1 drops and WAN2 took over the IP address changes and I want to update the DYNDNS, if WAN1 comes backup online again the IP changes again and I want to update the same DYNDNS name with the current IP in use.


I can’t figure it out how this one works.


Anybody any idea ? Gido.

Contributor II



Try this:


config system ddns     edit 1         set ddns-server         set ddns-domain ""         set ddns-username "abc"         set ddns-password ENC 7QdYBvGrYeAlMXXFaepEZRKzc0bOuXTpp +rutXdJ8gkVkcUPcn20Mvlu78+FRgupRbaE8wiK0QN3Sf8knQwimEVIDP4IpDhSwUKiFjQY2lMpMGqSGltxbxA +e6R6VIJtRy2v9UgYoZwvMw6TDbkeOBs7uG5NOSYGF/6Sw/KtJ6bucZKf9ggbug8yyjmCtJ3Ufu4ppA==         set monitor-interface "wan1"     next     edit 2         set ddns-server         set ddns-domain ""         set ddns-username "abc"         set ddns-password ENC CO2cemQO8WL+jf2MCB8W9vJnlrruDp8ixcvrlcN7a1Zb7Lr2dIlbcixTPYgsF3QrGrEp/V7S +KbYNQjB7/amS67RKFAMWjBnw8oP4qh5Neh05VYbrBu//AdNaU60UspAtDbQqW6UZN6DspDRoW3ZCBjTld7vrPLAtkwyIGbj8I9QrVDZ5pIS5wL6cL2+bUFf3yL Mqg==         set monitor-interface "wan2"     next end

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