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Commands Hang SSH Session

I' m investigating an issue w/ one a Virtual Fortigate unit that just hangs after certain commands are run via ssh / telnet. The command output is displayed, but the prompt never returns and no new commands can be issued. i.e. get system status Anyone run into this with the virtual appliances?
Honored Contributor

Not with virtual appliances, but with real fgt devices that went into conserve mode (and started shutting down various processes). Can you provide us more details about the issue, like what firmware image is running in the VM, what the CPU/memory usage is currently at, how long has the vm been running, etc.

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C
New Contributor

You might have other Fortigate devices in the same LAN, which share the same HA group.


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